Could be helpful if it actually provides service to food deserts. Would really depend on what kind of delivery radius they have, and how reasonable their prices are.
Great that’s what we need Amazon being your only source for food. /s
Amazon said the cost for people who receive SNAP benefits is $4.99 per month. Food-stamp recipients need to have a registered Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, but don’t require a Prime membership to join the food delivery program.
That is some bullshit. “We know you’re so poor that you need government assistance to buy food, so… pay us.”
Again? What is this, the third or fourth time they’ve tried this?
They’ve been doing this for almost 5 years. I used this all through Covid lockdown.
ironically about that time they started charging an additional fee for our area and since it was already expensive whole foods that was that. Not sure what was happening in our area to prompt it.
We always had the option for Amazon fresh instead of Whole Foods, which was much more reasonable in price
by the time they sur charged us I think amazon fressh was super new and not in the area.