• @Hazdaz
    181 year ago

    Its just going to keep on happening because Democrats are too timid to do anything about the root cause.

    Anyone helping with the plan to move these migrants around should be charged with human trafficking. From the bus drivers to the pilots to the planners and all the way up the Republican food chain. Make it very dangerous on a person level for anyone to help these Republicans. But they aren’t going to because Democrats are too timid to ever go after these Republican scumbags. As such, Republicans will continue to pull these stunts, and it is only going to get worse as we get closer and closer to the upcoming elections.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Democrats are terrified of setting precedents.

      the first time this happened should’ve been human trafficking hard. but because they didn’t it is almost consenting to it.

      • @Hazdaz
        31 year ago

        Oh absolutely. Set an example and put the hammer down on those who helped them. Time after time after time Republicans know that Democrats are just a bunch of pussies and as such, they have no problems bullying them around. It is infuriating to watch this happen - and this has been the case for decades before this migrant circus ever happened.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Republicans provoke violence and then clutch their pearls when it’s suggested that people redirect that violence back at them.

      • @Hazdaz
        41 year ago

        They are like spoiled kids who are always breaking the rules and no one is willing to punish them. Democrats never go after them. They rarely get sued and charges are almost never filed. Just a few months ago there was some right wing nut who was calling out for harm to the President. Were they brought up on charges? No, of course not. And thus some other nut did something similar a few weeks later and the pattern continues.

  • @elbowdrop
    161 year ago

    If this was part of a program to actually help people that would be great. But one bus full of people is a publicity stunt for the truly ignorant masses. I have said this before and I’ll say it again, the conservative right are Republicans in name only, none of the values except the convenient ones.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Who represents the “real” conservatives/Republicans? It would seem any state with Republican control is aiming for similar anti-immigration policies. If everyone is doing it, then it becomes the standard. If nobody from the party can speak out against it, it becomes the standard. When the conservative majority Supreme Court instills conservative policy despite public opposition, it becomes the standard.

      How would shipping immigrants across state borders unannounced ever be a way to help people? And it has been many buses, are we forgetting the last few years of Florida sending people to progressive states? It might be publicity stunts, but hundreds of people getting shipped around the country based on false information and left sitting out to dry only says “conservatives think immigrants are less than human and can be shipped around like cattle”

  • @MicroWaveOP
    141 year ago

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, citing overcrowding in Texas immigration facilities, started a migrant busing program last year after President Biden lifted Title 42 — a controversial Trump-era policy that allowed for the rapid expulsion of asylum seekers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • DarkGamer
    1 year ago

    Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    We will treat them as fellow human beings unlike Texas, which is run by sociopaths.

  • @Blamemeta
    -441 year ago

    Wonder how many bus loads its going to take before dems get their heads out of their asses, and start protecting the border.

    • @andrewta
      1 year ago

      I wonder how long it’ll take both sides to figure out that this issue has been going on for decades,? The immigration system is so broken it’d blow most peoples minds. nobody’s facing the real fact. We’re creating our own problem. Part of the problem is the immigration system is broken , it should be streamlined to make it easier to figure who shouldn’t should be here.

      The other part of the problem is we allow weaponry to go to Central and South America which arms the cartels. They use the weapons to fight wars amongst themselves and threaten the populace. The cartels make the drugs, which are sent to the US which we buy which creates a bigger problem. So now the people in those countries flee here. Then we refuse to acknowledge on why they’re even fleeing to begin with.

    • @GARlactic
      1 year ago

      Wonder how many bus loads it’s going to take before republicans get their heads out of their address and stop engaging in human trafficking.

      • @Blamemeta
        -141 year ago

        I still don’t get how you guys came up with human trafficking. It’s paying for a bus ticket, or rather several bus tickets.

          • @Blamemeta
            -71 year ago

            They’re told where its going, where did you hear otherwise?