• @[email protected]
    8911 months ago

    “Pay-to-win is accepted here [in Interactive World], but the free-to-play experience is awful and that’s what needs to be improved right now.”

    Who could have foreseen that?

  • @[email protected]
    7611 months ago

    I’m very surprised that this game can pull in a viewership of 20,000 people, even if it is a huge achievement event.

    • @Kelly
      4311 months ago

      Earlier this week I was reminded of MapleStory for the first time in 15 years when I saw Nexon on the Dave the Diver title screen.

      20k is a lot of eyeballs for a game thats past its prime.

      • @[email protected]
        811 months ago

        I played the game a lot as a wee lad, but I genuinely cannot fathom how people still play GMS these days. Every few years I’ll play for a few weeks on a private server for nostalgias sake. I’m quickly reminded why I stopped playing in the first place though.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          It really is the perfect example of a “grind like it’s your job” Korean MMO.

          5x private servers made it tolerable.

  • @[email protected]
    4311 months ago

    That many hours spent to pull a stunt like that. And I thought people who played healers in MMORPGs were powered by hate.

  • @bassomitron
    4311 months ago

    10,000+ hours is mind boggling to me. That’s ~416 full days, or 3.5 years at 8 hours every day. I’m sure the player has been playing for far longer and wasn’t pulling those kinds of hours in a short span like that, but it’s just crazy to me that anyone can rack up that much time in an MMO before becoming completely burnt out.

    • wirelesswire
      2311 months ago

      I had over 11k hrs in WoW when I quit. That was over the span of 12 years and definitely included some extended breaks, but there were also long periods of 6-10 hrs a day for extended periods.

      • @[email protected]
        111 months ago

        Please don’t take this the wrong way but I’m sitting here genuinely going “what the fuck?!”. I’m happy for you in recognizing and killing the addiction even if it took you multiple attempts.

        If I can implore people anything its to understand that the problem is addiction and it comes in many forms. To many people they quit one addiction and they move to another because as an example, gambling is not the problem. The unhealthy relationship to it is

        I’m saying this as someone who is immensely close with a functional alcoholic and when they have “quit” the alcohol is simply replaced with something else. The addiction is the underlying problem.

        • @[email protected]
          1411 months ago

          As a rehabilitated Eve addict, I can tell you that it’s a lot of addiction. MMOs are about two things: people and gameplay.

          In Eve, the PvE gameplay is awful. But the PvP is amazing and the people are amazing. Even though I haven’t logged in in years, I still talk to these people regularly. Like once or twice a month.

          While they’re not my closest friends, I genuinely know them and feel I can share anything I need to get off my chest in a safe place that will hear and respond. Picking a good group of people in a game can make or break your experience.

          After that, 10,000 hours of online social time doesn’t seem so bad compared to the alternative of being alone and still playing games.

          Is it good for you? Absolutely not. But hopefully that puts some perspective on MMOs.

        • wirelesswire
          511 months ago

          I think you’re jumping to conclusions a little too quickly, there. Was my time in WoW habitual? Definitely. Escapism? Sure. Unhealthy? More often yes than no. Every time I quit, it was because the game wasn’t fun anymore.

          I’m sure you mean well, but you may not want to draw conclusions based on a couple lines of text.

    • DarkSirrush
      911 months ago

      Maplestory is a 20 year old game, I remember playing in beta, and most definitely clocked more hours than that in it in my lifetime.

      That being said, I do not have anywhere near as high level a character as this guy, as my hours were mostly fucking around, not minmaxing.

  • @[email protected]
    3311 months ago

    I feel like this is how any MMO must be for the top players. Once you’ve learned game mechanics to the point that every aspect of the game turns into an efficiency simulator, it’s easy to get frustrated at details of the game that few notice.

    Add micro transactions to the mix and there’s an awful concentration of the sunk cost fallacy. Good on him for being able to pull the brakes.

    • @Evotech
      811 months ago

      At some point you see the matrix for what it is. Pull out

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    People are still playing Maple Story?

    Maple Story. The caveman ancestor of the online action RPG. That Maple Story. Sheesh.