I made this from a long piece cherry offcut that I’ve had sitting around for ages. Here’s a better picture of the interesting bit:
I’m honestly not thrilled with the finish. I thought I’d sanded out all the little ‘scales’ the planer leaves, but many came back when I put the oil on.

  • guyrocket
    610 months ago

    Playing bass guitar in the garden are we now?

    Well la te dah, Mr. Fancypants.

  • Destroyer of Worlds 3000
    410 months ago

    love the simple compact design. imo, add some foam strips to all the contact points. I know it will take away from the aesthetic, but your guitar will be better for it.

    • @AMillionMonkeysOP
      510 months ago

      Good call. I have some old suede slippers sitting around that I was going to use for strops - but if there’s enough material I could use them for this. The bass I made it for contacts the spine at its metal neckplate, so that doesn’t need cushioning, but the body does.

  • SteefLem
    310 months ago

    If you water the stand regularly, new ukulele‘s will grow. And with the right feed, a bass :)

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Not bad, but it’s going to put some pressure on the back of the guitar, particularly a hollow or semi-hollow body. If the top part to support the neck was brought forward so that it could make full contact with the neck and keep the back of the guitar from making contact, I think that would be a better setup. You could maybe put a leather strap or something similar between those two pegs to cradle the neck and bring the body forward. On the whole though, I like it, nice job!

    • @AMillionMonkeysOP
      210 months ago

      Thank you! It was made specifically for a Fender P bass, which is not particularly delicate. I have another one with a different design that I made for my acoustic, but that stand is more of a prototype made out of pine and not as impressive.
      I do like the idea of moving the ‘head’ forward so it cradles the neck. I only just had enough stock to make this (well, without cutting into some bigger, nicer boards) so I didn’t have a lot of room for features or experimentation.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Ahhh, nice. Nothing quite matches woodworking for trial and error! I’ve built a couple myself and each one gets closer to perfect, but not there yet!

        Here’s what I’ve got. Nothing too special but I love my Sheraton. My guitars.

  • @Anticorp
    210 months ago

    Or a bow stand! I love it.

    • @AMillionMonkeysOP
      310 months ago

      It would be improved by some googly eyes.
      But then, what wouldn’t?

  • @Coreidan
    110 months ago

    Uhhhh why is it in the garden tho?