
It’s no mystery why the cops allow neo-Nazis to demonstrate without a bother, or stand down in the face of right-wing “insurrections,” while violently arresting anyone who dares belt out a “Free Palestine!” chant on campus.

The former are either feds, or useful idiots in a Strategy of Tension style psy-op aimed at increasing security state powers, while the latter are an organic element with grassroots appeal which threatens the core of imperial and oligarchic power.

Don’t believe me?

Learn about the FBI-manufactured plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and pin the conspiracy on Trump supporters at the height of the 2020 election. It all began with an FBI order for the MI state police to stand down and allow gun toting right-wing protesters to storm the state Capitol building in Lansing on April 30, 2020. https://twitter.com/TalbertSwan/status/1784148932257362044

Source: https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1784446400354202110

Linked post:


FIVE MONTHS AGO the ‘Blood Tribe,’ a white supremacist, neo nazi group demonstrated on the University of Wisconsin campus, brandishing rifles, carrying swastika flags, and chanting “Israel is not our friend” and “there will be blood,blood,blood.”

The protesters were all white males.

Police did NOTHING.

YESTERDAY unarmed, peaceful, students demonstrated at Emory University against genocide in Palestine.

The protesters were mostly Black and other non-white students.

Police tear-gassed, tased, brutalized, used rubber bullets, and arrested them.

Direct link to video: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1784147975507177472/vid/avc1/1280x720/VyqCaWsTjAjHkUA8.mp4

Source: https://twitter.com/TalbertSwan/status/1784148932257362044

    • @breadsmasher
      414 days ago

      OP is a prolific troll / baiting arguments

      • @Crackhappy
        114 days ago

        I read through his history, and I disagree. I don’t think he’s a troll.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      014 days ago

      Sometimes, but I mostly maintain the grass, due to city requirements…

  • @problematicPanther
    213 days ago

    the problem is, any time i see the word “psy-ops” my brain automatically narrates everything else in Dale Gribble’s voice.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      212 days ago

      I see it as a positive, here are some notable quotes from Rusty Shackleford:

      “That makes a whole lot of sense… A whole lot of nonsense!” - Dale Gribble

      “Guns don’t kill people, the government does” - Dale Gribble

      “Booooo! I am a high-priced Washington lobbyist, peddling influence! Who wants candy?” - Dale Gribble