Our technocratic future is soon to become a reality. I found this article to be a good read on the subject. Below are a few paragraphs from the piece.

“Presently, banks and ecommerce platforms like Alibaba are beginning to implement carbon footprint trackers as a means to simply measure carbon footprints, but a future where measurement turns into punishment may not be far off.

Speaking at the WEF’s annual meeting in 2022, Alibaba president J. Michael Evans announced that the Chinese multinational e-commerce platform would soon be launching individual carbon footprint trackers in an attempt to change people’s shopping and travel behaviors.

The individual carbon footprint tracker looks to operate similarly to the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit system by rewarding people who “do the right thing” while punishing those who “do the wrong thing” — carrot versus stick.”

Also from the article:

“In China, citizens are given a credit score based on their online and offline behavior. It’s a system that rewards “good” behavior like spending time with the elderly while punishing “bad” behavior like protesting the government or spending too much time playing videogames.

When “trust” is broken in one area, restrictions are placed everywhere — meaning citizens who commit even minor infractions can be blacklisted from traveling, going to restaurants, renting a home, or even having insurance. This has happened to over 30 million citizens, according to Chinese State-run media.”