Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was among the dozens arrested at a Pro-Palestinian demonstration at Washington University in St. Louis on April 27.

  • @Mickey7
    -74 months ago

    We need someone better than Biden. I am definitely voting for Jill

    • El Barto
      4 months ago

      What’s her platform?

      Edit: lol downvoted. Way to entice potential supporters, amirite? Why don’t you just answer the question?

      • @paultimate14
        94 months ago

        Pretty terrible.

        To start she’s 74 years old. Not as old as Biden or Trump, but still well past the age any sane person should be retired.

        She has had a ton of pro-Russian policies, had dinner with Putin, and a senate investigation found that a Russian propaganda firm was using social media to promote her, though they did not find any direct link indicating that she hired them. She refused to commit to remain in NATO when asked and has questioned US support of Ukraine. There’s a particularly damning interview here where she just spouts a bunch of pro-Russian talking points about how Ukraine was historically a part of Russia or something. I’m not convinced that she’s a Russian asset, but if Putin wanted to create a candidate that could split the left in the US while still pushing pro-Russian policies it’s hard to imagine anyone better than Stein. Heck, she was pro-Brexit.

        As far as the actual policies she claims to support, there’s actually a lot i like about her. However, there’s a few red flags: she wants to ban Wi-Fi in schools out of concerns it could damage children’s brains. She’s also anti-nuclear energy, which makes me question how serious she is about moving away from fossil fuels. She also wants to ban GMO foods. I would not call her an anti-vaxxer per se (she has explicitly stated that the whole “vaccines cause autism” thing is BS), but she has been criticized for promoting vaccine hesitancy, especially around mercury. Basically when it comes to technology she acts her age and just seems terrified of anything someone told her could be dangerous even when there’s no scientific evidence of that.

        • El Barto
          44 months ago

          Well yikes! Thanks.