• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    When they have no words to use, or words reveal them to be hypocritics, they turn to violence. I’ll never respect a group who cannot state coherent ideas backed by reality and evidence.

    They say kids are being groomed, what kids? Where? When you look into it, they mean that kids are being listened to, and instead of being slapped and discouraged like previous generations, we allow them to be themselves. Listening is apparently grooming.

    They also have a habit of focusing on outliers. If there are 1,000 teachers and 2 behave inappropriately what is the rational response? To discipline those 2, instead these people hyperfocus on the actions of the 2 then blanket declare the remaining 998 groomers because of the unanimously agreed on bad actions of those 2. No one is defending bad actors (actual groomers who attempt to sway children), of course they exist and should be denounced. But the 998 who are listening and allowing children to be themselves are not “groomers”.

    It’s incredibly stupid at best, and disingenuous at worst. Some of them are actually stupid enough to think they are doing the right thing, because they don’t understand the ideas I’m presenting, but many are intentionally misunderstanding in order to hurt people they are bigoted against.

    It’s all hate. Hate and violence. You never catch them listening and sharing ideas. Always shouting. Always angry. Anger and fear are the tools of the bigot and the fascist.

    • Billiam
      2210 months ago

      By “grooming” they mean that children are being convinced by “leftists” that they’re not heteronormative cisgendered people, instead of accepting that such people have always existed and they’re more able to be themselves now than in the past.

      • Uranium3006
        1010 months ago

        basically they’re child groomers (in multiple definitions) and they want a monopoly on it and they assume we’re a threat

  • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
    1810 months ago

    Why wouldn’t they? The Pigs just stand by and watch when they commit 10 felony assaults in as many minutes.

    • Uranium3006
      1310 months ago

      they’re the unofficial support auxiliary for the police. they do what the cops can’t get away with

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    1510 months ago

    Who would have guessed the same people took part in the anti-vaccine events.

    I guess it’s nice they found their people?

    • @disguy_ovahea
      1710 months ago

      The article points out a few gems in the “Leave our Kids Alone” movement. All three have posted excessive anti-LGBTQ+ messages, one posted pictures of himself doing a Hitler salute, and two others are Proud Boys. Of course the most deplorable was invited on to Fox News to discuss the damage to America’s youth.

      Only the best people, folks.