AgoraDesk/LocalMonero is shutting down 😞

Their app is fully open source and is a slick app written in Flutter.

Upvote this request on their github if you show interest in AgoraDesk/LocalMonero in releasing all of their source code for the back end as well. It is a long shot but if AgoraDesk/LocalMonero is going to shutdown, maybe they will release their source code to allow someone else to launch a new P2P trading platform that is a fork of AgoraDesk/LocalMonero and can do so with less work.

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    I agree in principle but in practise it would be a disaster without a plan. works because it is THE P2P XMR place. If there are 100 versions, the liquidity on each would be so low that Noone would use it, especially for non USD trades. Having 100 localmoneros is good but you need a federated login like nostr and when you search for offers you would see offers for all instances of localmonero, or at least the most reputable ones. With this approach, the new localmonero would be unstoppable.

  • @[email protected]
    69 months ago

    It’s good to do this, but remember, these central websites to aggregate and connect buyers with sellers are just stopgaps. They will always be targets, they’ll always shut down. You need something like bisq to make it work where it can’t be stopped.

  • Blake
    9 months ago

    sad to see localmonero / agoradesk go

    a stalwart in the community.

    regarding the github proposal:

    recanman commented May 12, 2024 •

    I’ve spoken to Alex. This will not happen.

    Regarding alternatives, one trader mentioned bitvalve ( ) which has p2p XMR trades [also I haven’t used the site, it could be a huge pot of honey so the onus is fully on you]

    although right now it’s pretty sparse - the only bank xfer option is rupees but there’s quite a few paypal for example.

    hoping haveno goes smooth, can’t wait for the XDEXs to reign supreme. will spin up a node & instance when it’s out of beta