• @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    I understand the frustration, but I can’t help but feel that their anger is misdirected. Do we really think video games are promoting violence?

    […] playing the game led the teenager to research and then later purchase the gun hours after his 18th birthday.

    I’m getting a sense that there are other steps that could have been taken to prevent this tragedy aside from this video game that features guns.

    • @[email protected]
      2610 months ago

      They voted back in all the same leadership at an election not long after. Having made that decision, I find this to be less surprising than it might have been.

      • @[email protected]
        1110 months ago

        I remember reading about that. All I could conclude is that the voters must approve in some sense of those actions. In which case, I’m afraid your peers have spoken and clearly indicate that it’s not a priority. It’s a shame.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      What about all the movies with guns? It’s much more normal to see a movie about someone getting shot or otherwise killed than see even a titty, much less any genitalia. I’d argue that many more people watch media than play games, if that’s the logic they’re going for.

      Their frustration is completely misdirected also because it’s friggin’ Texas! What do you need to get a gun in that state? A pulse?

      Edit: the dude was 18, how did he even get a gun? You need to be at least 21 to have one. How did he even get an semi-automatic weapon? The fuck?

      Anti Commercial-AI license

      • @Railing5132
        310 months ago

        I hear what you’re saying, but how many hours are logged by some swimming in images of fps games? I’d argue, from my interaction with teens, that there are far more hours logged than passively watching any media. But that’s not the point anyway.

        Our American society is swimming with a gun obsession. Whether it’s via video games, movies, social media, politicians, the NRA, “2nd ammendment cities” (wtf), and too many more avenues to think of. Games are just one vector of marketing guns to a maleable population. The core of this suit is that a manufacturer was pushing their models within the game in collusion with Activision. I believe advertising guns to a kids demographic is prohibited. I’d search it, but I’m lazy and the AI results would be wrong anyway.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            Where are you from, exactly?

            There’s no classes of licenses like that in the US. If you are 18 and meet the minimal legal requirements, you can buy a long gun of any type in most states. (Some states are trying to move that age to 21.) That means a single shot, break action, lever action, bolt action, pump, or yes, semi-automatic. Once you hit 21, you can buy handguns. Again: that includes break action, revolvers, and normal semi-automatics.

            The only real restriction in all of this is machine guns; to get those, you need to come up with the $20,000+ that a legal one will cost, and file a transfer application with the BATF, pay a $250 fee, and wait to see if your application is approved or denied. There are some states that prevent individual ownership of machine guns entirely.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      Do we really think video games are promoting violence?

      No, that’s not their argument. They are saying the gun manufacturer advertised their real life gun in the video game. They don’t have an issue with video game violence, they have an issue with advertising weapons to children.

    • @angrymouse
      610 months ago

      It’s just a lawyer using the families to try some money and prestigious.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Certainly. Hence, steps. Although, video games is probably not where I would begin if we wish to take this problem seriously. It should be part of a complete plan to address violence involving guns.

    • CharlesReed
      210 months ago

      People have always blamed video games for violence, even all the way back to Columbine. This isn’t a new argument.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        Those arguments were weak then and they are no better now after years of research trying to test whether video games cause violent behavior. I don’t think there’s a need to revisit the same argument — unless of course new information or context that changes things has been found.

        • CharlesReed
          210 months ago

          Oh, I’m not disagreeing at all. Even with all the evidence that video games aren’t the problem, it’s a convenient scapegoat to point a finger at while ignoring those who actually need to be held accountable.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        I’m not sure I understand. When was the last time a video game was used to go on a killing spree?

        The same argument can be used in one context and be wrong, yet used in another context and be right.

        The object in the argument matters. For example, the argument that punishment reduces undesirable behavior. This could be true in criminal justice, but it’s absolutely not true when applied to early child development. It just teaches them to be scared of you if the child isn’t old enough to understand.

        There might be an association between guns and violence. Is that even true for video games?

        • @[email protected]
          -2010 months ago

          That’s not the argument though. The argument is “videogames don’t cause this problem” which is true in both cases.

          • @VoterFrog
            210 months ago

            Guns may not cause the mental health issues that make people turn violent, but they do allow violent people to become mass murderers. Video games do neither.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        That’s like saying, replace “video games” with “cars and alcohol” to understand the MADD argument.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Sorry, you can’t propose an analogy and expect others to think about it for themselves, but then when presented with a nearly identical analogy, expect others to spend time explaining it to you.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              Oh I can’t ask how it’s identical?

              “Drinking and driving doesn’t kill people, people kill people” oh wait, that’s senseless and they’re not identical… Maybe you responded with this instead of answering my question because you know that.

              “Cars and alcohol don’t kill people people kill people” yeah that’s why it’s drinking and driving that’s illegal, not cars and/or alcohol. But you thought of that already and realized your mistake, which is why you’re dodging.

              Try harder, it’ll do you some good.

              • @[email protected]
                010 months ago

                No no, keep going, you’re so right. It sounds like you agree that demonstrating competency before being granted a driver’s license is useful? And you agree that revoking these licenses when they have demonstrated that they are a risk to public safety is also working out for us?

  • kingthrillgore
    7210 months ago

    “No way to prevent this,” says only country where it happens every fucking day

    • @saltesc
      610 months ago

      Yes, but at least it’s well regulated and for militia purposes-…oh, wait, that part of the constitution is for TP.

  • mechoman444
    4110 months ago

    My heart goes out to the parents of this horrible tragedy and they deserve compensation for their torment.

    But this just feels like a sleazy law firm looking for a quick settlement by exploiting the emotional turmoil this horrible event has caused.

  • Nakedmole
    10 months ago

    Video games are not the problem, the gun fetishism of american society is.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      That, and probably a lot of untreated and undiagnosed mental health issues. Honestly, I think guns are pretty cool (from a mechanical standpoint) but I would never even want to own one irl or kill anything with one. 'Cause, you know, I’m somewhat sane.

    • @Railing5132
      410 months ago

      I get what you’re saying, but in the case of the games in question, it’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation, don’t you agree? Get them while they’re young and impressionable?

      • Nakedmole
        10 months ago

        Kids all over they world play fps so imo pixel guns are not the problem, the real guns kids in the US have access to are what makes the difference.

        • @Railing5132
          310 months ago

          Oh, I completely agree. There is no single thing that is the “magic cure”. There are a bunch of factors that add up to a fetishization of guns and gun culture / violence in the US. And the incredible availability of guns makes gun violence inevitable.

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        Other countries also have Call of Duty, but not such a big problem with mass shootings. So I don’t think its that easy. I think it is more interesting, what the NRA is doing. Such a big and powerful lobby organization should have way more influence, than a video game series.

  • @bblkargonaut
    2810 months ago

    Star wars has been effectively marketing me lightsabers for years, and I can’t even carve a turkey with mine.

      • @numberfour002
        610 months ago

        Yeah, of course. I buy one towards the end of every November. It’s a Thanksgiving tradition.

      • @bblkargonaut
        210 months ago

        Most definitely and probably be missing some limb by now.

  • @[email protected]
    2410 months ago

    I did some cursory searches to find the actual arguments and came up blank. It’s important to note this isn’t the standard “video games cause violence” lawsuit that has absolutely no merit. This is different. The summary presented in articles is that this gun manufacturer explicitly marketed their product for things like this using a sophisticated campaign. If I understand the summary correctly, it therefore hinges on both the marketing of this specific gun and its presence across the digital landscape. The parents aren’t going after shooting in games; they’re going after a company that actively markets its products on social media and in video games.

    It’s novel. I’m kinda skeptical because the solution would have to limit product placement and advertisement which has a massive lobby. There’s also nothing that really says “this specific gun leads to violence” without implicitly relying on the whole “video games cause violence” which is bullshit.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      There’s precedent though. Alcohol and tobacco have significant restrictions on marketing material. I would argue that firearms should fall into the same category.

      My impression was the same- eye roll at the “videogames cause violence” argument that’s been beaten to death, but I actually think they may have a point when it comes to marketing.

      Sadly, I also think that COD is a military recruitment strategy (Boy Boy did a video breaking down the way the American recruiters use COD to capture a certain demographic) so I don’t think this lawsuit will go anywhere. Thought-provoking though.

  • CharlesReed
    2210 months ago

    Every time I think we’ve moved passed this as an argument, it pops back up. They’ll blame anything but those they should be holding accountable.

    • @MarjorineFailureGroan
      1410 months ago

      It seems like they’re saying that it markets guns, not the typical argument that it makes kids violent. This argument seems less crazy to me.

      • CharlesReed
        510 months ago

        It’s still not a convincing one though. If it wasn’t this weapon used, it would have been another, regardless of where the perp first saw it. I’m not a fan of Activision, but this isn’t on them.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        So I’m not a fan of guns but, “marketing guns” is not per se illegal nor unique to video games. Yet the lawsuit separates out video games specifically. So I am not sure I agree that it’s less crazy at the end of the day.

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    This kinda happens when your part of a three trillion dollar company. Those deep pockets attract nuisance lawsuits

  • @[email protected]
    1410 months ago

    Video games do not promote violence according to any modern ethical research on the question.

    I can’t imagine the pain of these families, and I’d want to lash out at any available target, too. They might even get lucky and have a settlement offer from Activision rather dragging everyone through a trial. But if this even makes it into a courtroom, I would bet that it will ultimately go nowhere. There’s just no credible evidence to support the claim.

    • andrew_bidlaw
      510 months ago

      I mean, some game studios consult child psychologists and lawyers to better implement addictive gambling-like mechanics without being liable for that. Media does impact the consumer, and the bigger the initial predisposition, the worse the effect, and kids like shiny animated casino boxes. But violent games that do reach the market and aren’t dead on arrival are mild in that and can only supplement other, more real problems like mental health issues, trauma, neglect, bullying. And in 99.9% cases it’s just an excuse to push them under the carpet. Like, from drawing a line to what makes older demographics cause daily mass shootings. Not videogames, not even guns mostly, but the environment and culture as a whole.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        I mean, some game studios consult child psychologists and lawyers to better implement addictive gambling-like mechanics without being liable for that.

        For example? They couldn’t consult child psychologists for this purpose. It would be an ethics violation of the highest order and would get any license revoked.

        Media does impact the consumer…

        What kind of media? Evidence?

        But violent games that do reach the market and aren’t dead on arrival are mild in that and can only supplement other, more real problems like mental health issues, trauma, neglect, bullying. And in 99.9% cases it’s just an excuse to push them under the carpet. Like, from drawing a line to what makes older demographics cause daily mass shootings. Not videogames, not even guns mostly, but the environment and culture as a whole.

        Again, videogames simply do not influence social behavior. It’s difficult to find credible non-biased research, but here are a couple of relatively recent articles:

        • Tear, Morgan J., and Mark Nielsen. “Failure to Demonstrate That Playing Violent Video Games Diminishes Prosocial Behavior.” PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 7, July 2013, pp. 1–7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068382.
        • Goodson, Simon, et al. “Violent Video Games and the P300: No Evidence to Support the Neural Desensitization Hypothesis.” CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, vol. 24, no. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 48–55. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2020.0029

        What “older demographics”? “Daily mass shootings”? Where do you live?

        All that said, environment does seem to impact social behavior. It’s likely a much stronger influence than a recreational activity.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        game studios consult child psychologists and lawyers to better implement addictive gambling-like mechanics without being liable

        For example?

  • @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    If and only If this law suit leads to the banning of advertisements across all media, I’d be 100% for it. But that isn’t the purpose, it’s purpose is a cash grab for a law firm.

  • @Katana314
    1010 months ago

    The most agonizing debate is one you agree with, but not nearly to the extreme degree of the position you’re responding to.

    There are some nuts out there that literally only buy a certain gun because “it’s in Call of Duty and it’s cool.” Worse, this demographic are not likely to be responsible gun owners - they are not buying for any perceived need. They don’t lock their guns correctly, or keep ammo separate. Those guns are the type most likely to be stolen for use in a mass shooting (or used by their owners). Arguably, those guns are designed to appeal to this exact crowd, not serve as a functional tool or hobby item.

    That said, there are much better targets for gun legislation than “scary looking black guns” or Call of Duty’s choice of theme.

  • @Bookmeat
    710 months ago

    Gun makers in the USA cozying up to government law makers to keep gun laws loose especially with respect to export and control is the force driving gun violence in the USA. Follow the $$$.

  • @[email protected]
    -2510 months ago

    Don’t you love it? Now the anti gun crowd is going to have to use Tue same arguments they pretend not to understand when defending videogames.

    • @Lommy241
      1110 months ago

      ? What argument is that?