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  • metalingus
    21 year ago

    I’ll have to watch the whole video later, but just based on what I’ve read, this is one of my favorite things in games.

    Continuously realizing “oh wow I actually was able to go there” and seeing where you’ve come from and where you may still be able to go, is great.

    Elden Ring was the most recent title to do this for me, and I think From has consistently been able to do that.

    • HarkMahlbergOP
      11 year ago

      To me, video games satisfy the child-like wonder of watching “real magic.” Like on the one hand, a real magician has to create an optical illusion or grab a stunt double to show him teleport from one box to another. On the other hand, Portal 2. 😅

  • ElcaineVolta
    11 year ago

    this video was just recently recommended by a friend, cool to see it posted here. definitely worth a watch.