Also Pyongyang - not too far away from the main image

  • @Zehzin
    379 months ago

    Plant some god damn trees, Kim.

    • @Cyclist
      159 months ago

      They’d just get eaten or cut down for fuel.

      • @Zehzin
        159 months ago

        To be honest, planting fruiting trees so they get eaten is something every city should do.

        • @ChicoSuave
          119 months ago

          This assumes people would only pick the fruit and wait until it’s ripe. NK has a terrible history with agriculture and neither waits for fallow fields to recover nor do they care about they long term health of the people.

          NK would strip all the ripe fruit for the military and leave the people to eat leaves and chew bark. The trees would wither and die from under nutrition and over pruning.

  • @[email protected]
    249 months ago

    Three midday photos of the major city and there are maybe 10 cars or buses visible between them.

    • @cosmicrookieOPM
      289 months ago

      This was what blew me away while browsing Pyongyang on Google Maps. Huge roads, very fancy infrastructure that was barely being used. and in between them, shacks that seemed to not even have roads! Also many structures that must have been impressive at some point, but seemed like ruins now (notice the stadium in the post description has holes in its roof and basically seems unusable

      • @eatCasserole
        19 months ago

        After the Korean war, the North was initially much better off, economically. They have most of the natural resources, iirc. Most of this stuff was probably built before the American sanctions regime eroded their economy.

    • @Cyclist
      109 months ago

      North Korea really took fuck cars to heart.

  • @DaMonsterKnees
    109 months ago

    So Frank Lloyd Wright does macaroni necklace buildings circa Soviet aesthetics?

    • @cosmicrookieOPM
      79 months ago

      They seem more like cheap counterfeits