Contrary to popular belief, people in the ancient world did not have extremely short lifespans. Although the average life expectancy in the ancient world was between 20 and 30, this statistic is skewed by very high rates of infant mortality. Almost everyone who survived childhood would live to middle age, and it was not uncommon for people to reach their 60s and 70s.

Geriatric Care

Greco-Roman physicians understood many of the health concerns associated with old age, including eyesight and hearing problems, arthritis, and an increased susceptibility to respiratory illness. They were also aware of mental challenges in the extremely old, such as memory issues and senility. Ancient physicians believed that these changes were because the humors within the body became unbalanced, creating a deficiency of heat.

The Role of the Elderly in Ancient Society

As men and women entered old age, their position in Greek and Roman society changed. Most people earned their subsistence through hard physical labor, such as farming and weaving, which became difficult in old age. However, most people did not have the means to retire. These concerns were less important for the upper classes, who relied on income generated by their servants and estates. For the wealthy, old age could be a time of leisure and retirement.

Aristocratic men often continued their careers in law and politics well into old age, benefiting from years of accumulated experience and reputation. In ancient Athenian democracy, other Greek city-states, and the Roman government, many political offices had minimum age requirements, preventing young and irresponsible candidates from holding them. The Spartan Gerousia and Roman Senate both originated as councils of elders.