• @Deadeyegai
    3412 days ago

    Because that’s what a real American does. Trump can’t even take a little rain because he’s worried about his rotten hair piece

  • @[email protected]
    2812 days ago

    You will see plenty of MAGoos flying both the Trump flag and the black POW MIA flag.

    Trump once said that he ‘liked soldiers who didn’t get captured.’ He also called the doughboys of WW1 losers.

    But Obama was the traitor because of the latte salute.

      • Flying Squid
        511 days ago

        Don’t forget the brown mustard.

        And despite their names, French’s and Grey Poupon are and have always been American companies.

        Of course, those dirty Euro-trash at Heinz also make brown mustard. Oh wait, they’re based in Pittsburgh.

        So what was the deal with the brown mustard?

  • Blackout
    2212 days ago

    If I remember correctly it sprinkled for 10 minutes that morning and he was worried his face would run

  • @[email protected]
    111 days ago

    I’m so sick of seeing that guy get brought into every news article these days. Can this not just be an article about the president doing the correct thing and honoring those lives lost? We all know trump is an asshole folks.

    • @madkins
      311 days ago

      Sorry you’re getting down voted. I, too, long for the days when we stop seeing Trump in every other headline. At least precede it with “convicted felon”, as is proper.

  • Glowy
    -1312 days ago

    We really have to start basing our ideals more than being better than some guy we don’t like.

    • Billiam
      11 days ago

      You’re right.

      How about we base our ideal on “being better than the fascist”?

      Or “being better than the rapist”?

      Or “being better than the criminal”?

      Or “being better than the insurrectionist traitor”?

      …you know, that’s a lot. Perhaps we could condense all that down somehow?

      • Glowy
        -111 days ago

        You can have all those ideals without it being about your favorite team. Trump bad Biden good is nothing but a circle jerk on this platform the same as Biden bad Trump good is on other platforms. Our political system is fucked. Everyone’s opinion is valid, but Trump would have gained nowhere near the unfounded respect he has from his party if he wasn’t practically the only point of conversation his whole presidency. They like him because you don’t. They’ll like him more the more he angers you. They are using our tribalism to hold us down and in place.