• @ikidd
    245 months ago

    Well, you have a lot of blood on your hands there, Benny-boy. Better start scrubbing.

      • @ikidd
        15 months ago

        Lady MacBeth-Israel

  • @thesporkeffect
    195 months ago

    The genocide was moving too fast without regard to the optics?

    • @disguy_ovahea
      55 months ago

      Gantz was moderate, and resistant to the far-right agenda of needless bloodshed, destruction, and expansion. He was challenging Netanyahu for a post-war Gaza rebuild plan with no success.

  • @oakey66
    165 months ago

    There’s a delusion in liberal circles that the problem is Bibi Netenyahu. When in reality, this would have played out with similar bloodshed has Gantz been in charge.

    • @corus_kt
      5 months ago

      Gantz’s stance on the Palestinian casualties would mirror Bibi’s when judging by his political history. The main difference being that Gantz seems more concerned about the hostages and Israel itself than Bibi is.

    • Flying Squid
      85 months ago

      Based on prior political developments, Netanyahu — Israel’s longest-tenured prime minister, having served for more than 17 years as the country’s leader — will prioritize moves that will preserve his power and avoid early elections.

      This certainly squares with his former best friend saying that he wants to be a dictator.


      • @gedaliyahM
        25 months ago

        Inside Israel, he is considered the ultimate political pragmatist. It’s what his supporters love about him and what his detractors most despise. He will do anything to maintain his power and he is extremely effective at this.

  • @Paragone
    25 months ago

    That HELPS Netanyahu.

    WHEN people with values/principles get out of the way of abusers in authority … then the abusers have an easier time of tilting the playing-field.

    Same as all the Democrats who vacated institutional-positions, “in protest” of abuser apointees, who then had an easier time of wrecking the United States.

    You have to get in harm’s way, & you have to remain in harm’s way, if you want the resultant-world to be worth-living-in.

    The Great Filter, this century, will test humankind’s ability to do that.

    If not, if “getting out of evil’s way” is humankind’s feelings’ choice, then harm/evil’s going to butcher humankind’s viability, & laugh all the way to humankind’s grave.

    _ /\ _

  • BigFig
    -15 months ago

    This guy is upset they are genociding fast enough

    • @gedaliyahM
      115 months ago

      No, quite the opposite. Gantz is considered a moderating force in the coalition who probably prevented a lot of Palestinian deaths due to his measured approach. His main point of pressure was that Bibi has absolutely no plan for transitioning to a post-war Gaza. Someone will have to be in charge of governance and reconstruction, and that plan has to begin now. Bibi has avoided the question because there is really no good option. It’s politically savvy to let the situation devolve further into crisis.

      Gantz leaving weakens Netanyahu but also strengthens the far right ministers. In the short run, this is probably a bad thing, but could be good if it triggers new elections and ends Bibi’s career.

      • @IndustryStandard
        35 months ago

        Gantz has supported the genocide as much as Netanyahu has. He was a big factor in making it possible the last half year. Gantz now realizes that the optics are not great and Israel is rapidly losing international support.

        As a member of the war cabinet Gantz would have known from the beginning that there was never a plan. He was in those meetings.