We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach. If you do engage in Electoral Politics do not support the Duopoly (Red or Blue Team). No War but Class War!

The Crackdown on Travelers to Russia | Guest Omali Yeshitela

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    -13 months ago


    1. NGOs in Russia are linked to the government, but the US and other colonial countries get upset when American NGOs are connected to the US government.
    2. A country close to Russia has passed a law stating that organizations receiving more than 20% of their money from foreign entities will be charged as foreign agents for another government. The US and other colonial countries are upset about this.
    3. There are many NGOs in Haiti that control the economy and have more resources than the entire budget of Haiti.
    4. Journalists and truth tellers have been attacked by the State Department or DOJ for making trips to Russia.
    5. [Fiorella Isabel], based in Russia, was detained when leaving Russia to travel. [Kit Klarenberg] was also detained recently.
    6. The Washington Post wrote a smear piece about Wyatt Reed and Max Blumenthal at the Gray Zone, calling them Putin propagandists and accusing them of taking money from Iran, which was not true.
    7. Scott Ritter had his passport seized and was prevented from attending an economic forum in Russia. [Tara Reade] is still stuck in Russia and cannot come back to the US.
    8. The US State Department is concerned about Americans and people in the West receiving the Russian perspective.