Gerrit van der Veen Assassinated (1944)

Sat Jun 10, 1944


Image: Gerrit Jan van der Veen. Photo in a series with his family, 1942 [Wikipedia]

Gerrit van der Veen (1902 - 1944) was a Dutch anti-fascist sculptor who was assassinated by the Nazis on this day in 1944, following a failed attempt to free his comrades from prison. Van der Veen helped forge more than 80,000 ethnic identity papers.

Dutch historian Robert-Jan van Pelt has written the following about van der Veen:

"In 1940, after the German occupation, van der Veen was one of the few who refused to sign the so-called “Arierverklaring”, the Declaration of Aryan Ancestry. In the years that followed, he tried to help Jews both in practical and symbolic ways.

Together with the musician Jan van Gilse and the (openly homosexual) artist, art historian, and critic Willem Arondeus, van der Veen established the underground organization De Vrije Kunstenaar (The Free Artist).

Van der Veen and the other artists published a newsletter calling for resistance against the occupation. When the Germans introduced identity documents (Persoonsbewijzen) that distinguished between Jews and non-Jews, van der Veen, Arondeus and the printer Frans Duwaer produced some 80,000 false identity papers."

Van der Veen tried to escape his comrades from prison in May 1944, but the attempt failed and van der Veen was paralyzed after being shot. He was arrested a few weeks later and then executed on June 10th, 1944. In May 1946, he was awarded the Dutch Cross of Resistance.