Ah the classic “customers are just greedy assholes standing between me and my money!” school of games development, very popular with the tripple As as of late
Has anyone figured out how to crack the creation club yet? I’d rather pay some random coder for this stuff then the dick bags that decide buying a game isn’t enough.
Pretty sure Creation Club downloads are just normal plugin files, no cracks should be needed to load them you just need the files from somewhere.
Hold up, this “do anything you want” space game DIDN’T HAVE BOUNTY HUNTING UNTIL NOW??? LOL XD
It did. Boring bounty hunting that sends you to the same five dungeons on repeat, but bounty hunting nonetheless.
I’ve never bought this game. When I see shit like this, I think “I shouldn’t buy this game”.
I think I was initially interested in the game provided I could get it for < $20, now I think my time is just more valuable than this game is worth.
Its a sad realisation, as a huge fan of the Oblivion/Fallout 3 era of Bethesda.
The Starfield shitshow continues.
Starfield - not even once, kids.
Ya, the “hey, pay a bunch of real money to unlock this quest” is a shitty way to monetize expansions. If they want to have a paid DLC, just have a paid DLC. Also, this shit:
It’s instead being sold via the Creation Club storefront that’s also been added to the game as part of this update, for a price of 700 credits.
For a bit of context, purchasing a pack of 1000 Creation Club credits - which is what you’d need to be able to buy this quest…The execs of any company which has made up “coins” which cannot be bought in exact amount to cover exact items should be dragged out into the street, and have molten gold poured down their throats.
I am confused why they think people would not see this as a great excuse to pirate the single player game. Like at what point does this cross over from not paying for the game though gamepass into just not paying?
Let’s keep giving them free marketing though, taking up space because Big developer, rather than moving on. The game has and continues to fail because they develop in a bubble, they won’t get better on their own accord.