Is Joe Biden increasingly slipping America into the quagmire of the Russian/Ukrainian war? Something like the U.S. did in Vietnam?

  • @ccunning
    104 months ago

    The parallels to Vietnam are…what’s the opposite of unending? Unstarting?

  • @retrospectology
    4 months ago

    Nope. Helping democracies defend themselves against fascist invasions as a coalition is pretty great, one of the few good uses of our bloated military industrial complex.

    Could be done with some more urgency though, delays in aid create a lot of problems for the Ukrainians’ ability to plan effectively.

  • @Gustephan
    24 months ago

    Can’t tell if this is a legit Russian propaganda bot or just a useful idiot pushing Kremlin talking points. тебе хорошо платят, товарищ?

      • @Gustephan
        24 months ago

        Yes he is. What you posted is a hit piece on other American politicians, and to substantiate that he references Kremlin propaganda about the war in Ukraine and hints that we should have appeased the nation in fear of its “nuclear arsenal and Putin’s dictatorial rule”. For sake of discussion I’ll assume that he probably isn’t an active Russian agent, but he is certainly advancing their propaganda for the cheap political points it might earn him in attacking his political rivals. That makes him a useful idiot at best

        • @TokenBoomerOPM
          4 months ago

          I only see one “useful idiot,” and it isn’t Ralph Nader. You say you want a third party, he did that. You say you want to hold corporations accountable, he did that. You say you want change, he’s still trying to do that at 90. He’s more patriotic than you or I will ever be.

          Everything I don’t like is a Kremlin talking point. /s

          • @Gustephan
            24 months ago

            Yeah? I said all those things? That’s certainly news to me. Here I was thinking I only said the words that were in posts written by me. It almost seems like you’re trying to put words in my mouth to draw attention away from the validity of the points I have actually made.

            In response to “everything i don’t like is Kremlin talking points” you can honestly go fuck yourself. If I had any doubts before that you were engaging in bad faith, they are gone now. Fearmongering about Russian nuclear capability and trying to get the US to exit the Ukraine war are explicit Kremlin talking points.

            • @TokenBoomerOPM
              4 months ago

              You don’t want a third party, to hold corporations accountable, or governmental change???

              Glad you made that clear.

              It’s impossible for a mature, thinking person to come to the decision that war is bad for humanity. (That’s a Kremlin talking point). /s

              • @Gustephan
                24 months ago

                Again, I’m not here to defend words I didn’t say. Go ahead and try again though, surely the third time you put words in my mouth it’ll work and I’ll be baited into changing the subject.

                I do think it’s impossible for a mature, thinking person to suggest that the appeasement suggested by Nader in this article will lead to less war. We definitively disproved that concept in the 1940s

                • @TokenBoomerOPM
                  4 months ago

                  Putin is literally Hitler. /s

                  Putin doesn’t have to invade European countries, they’re doing it to themselves.