- slide1: Sales within the US by category (image attached, hover on slice show sales number)
- slide2: Average amount spent on cats & dogs in past 12 month
- slide3: Pet ownership, household count
- slide4: Pet ownership by generation
- slide5: Petco quarterly revenue by category
link to data slides
Billions? On a percentage graph?
No useful data to be found here.
yes, it show percentage, for actual sales data, click the link and hover on the slice with laptop. mobile / phone may not work
The graph might be half valid if it didn’t state ‘billions’ in a totally ambiguous way without a roughly exact number for scale.
But nope, no solid number for scale.
You are correct though, you can’t hover over the graph with mobile devices. Which, I should point out, a majority of people are using these days.
Vets are doing everything they can to make their slice bigger. It’s getting pretty difficult to find an honest vet. They’re all being bought out by corporate mentalities where they collude to drive the price of services up, and recommend services that aren’t needed or useful during every visit.