• @GraphyOP
    7 months ago

    I like how the kid cops and judges are corrupt. The only inaccurate part was the competent public defender.

  • @RebekahWSD
    17 months ago

    I have extremely deep memories of scanning plastic groceries. But it couldn’t have been at one of these locations (we’d never go to Mexico for this, and the one in Florida we’d have been juuuust young enough to get in so probably not)

    We must have been at a museum, but where were you, memory of scanning wee little groceries?? Probably some museum in NYC or Philly???

    Good video, loved it.

  • BigFig
    17 months ago

    My school had a field trip to something like this but we actually learned things. I learned how to read an electric meter, a water meter, and how to write checks (the only way you were allowed to “spend” your “money”) other kids learned how to run a register, and various other civil government and utility type things