Previously unleaked Eminem 1st Group Called New Jacks! This Is Material from 1988 then known as Emcee Double M At the aged 16 years old

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
    17 days ago


    As a musician, I’ve come across countless songs that have left a lasting impact on me. However, there is one particular song that holds a special place in my heart – “Eat It” by the New Jacks. I first heard this song during my teenage years, and its powerful lyrics and energetic beats resonated with me from the very first listen.

    “Eat It” was the lyrical debut of MC Double M, also known as Eminem, and was released in 1988 when he was just sixteen years old. This song showcased his raw talent and set the stage for his later style of dense rhymes and intense wordplay. The New Jacks EP, which included this track, served as a launching pad for Eminem’s successful rap career.