• Flying Squid
    9 months ago

    Indiana in August when I was a kid in the 80s or Indiana in June where I’m living today?

    Edit: For those confused, it’s much hotter, much earlier.

    • @Veneroso
      39 months ago

      Same in NY. Nearly 90 or more every day for a week. This used to be August weather and I can’t imagine what August is going to look like.

      Fire season is going to be wild.

      Hurricane season too…

    • @doingthestuff
      39 months ago

      The majority of those days forecast are in the '80s FYI.

  • @LaunchesKayaks
    69 months ago

    Dealing with a heatwave in PA rn and I’ve been so sick from it. I’m very sensitive to heat. I’ve been doing all I can to cool off, but most days I just can’t regulate my body temperature naturally* . Almost passed out today when I was catching one of my ducks that escaped the pen. I’ve been getting my shirts wet and just wearing them like that and sleeping with ice packs in my bed. I have a chain of box fans that are my attempt to get the flow of air from the air conditioner around the house. My house holds heat in very well, but is hard AF to cool off and keep it cool.

    • @FollyDolly
      29 months ago

      I have to wake up extra early to make sure I get my goose and chicken coops cleaned before it gets too hot. It’s miserable.

      • @LaunchesKayaks
        29 months ago

        I do the same with my ducks. I have to make sure their pool gets cleaned and filled in both the mornings and evenings on hot days and it’s killing me. My one duck is disabled and she has trouble cleaning herself all the way, so she gets sprayed off with the hose once a day. The birds are doing really well in the heat, which has been a relief. My dogs have been just as miserable as I have been. My cats seem fine.

  • @Allonzee
    9 months ago

    And there’s no making it right. This is the world. At least for this year.

    And it will be hotter next year, and the next.

    Why? Toleration that led to celebration that led to worship of unchecked, insatiable greed.

    I’d say maybe lets force the owner class to stop though revolution and dismantling of our needless consumer culture so our children and theirs have at least a minimally habitable planet for humans and the other surface dwellers we don’t give shit one about to live on, but we’re not going to anyway. So burn baby burn I guess.