The image contains a social media post from Twitter by a user named Deedy (@deedydas). Here’s the detailed content of the post:
Twitter post by Deedy (@deedydas):
- Text:
- "Most people don’t realize how many young people are extremely addicted to CharacterAI.
- Users go crazy in the Reddit when servers go down. They get 250M+ visits/mo and ~20M monthly users, largely in the US.
- Most impressively, they see ~2B queries a day, 20% of Google Search!!"
- Timestamp: 1:21 AM · Jun 23, 2024
- Views: 920.9K
- Likes: 2.8K
- Retweets/Quote Tweets: 322
- Replies: 113
Content Shared by Deedy:
- It is a screenshot of a Reddit post from r/CharacterAI by a user named u/The_E_man_628.
- Reddit post by u/The_E_man_628:
- Title: “I’m finally getting rid of”
- Tag: Discussion
- Text:
- “I’ve had enough with my addiction to I’ve used it in school instead of doing work and for that now I’m failing. As I type this I’m doing missing work with an unhealthy amount of stress. So in all my main reason is school and life. I need to go outside and breath and get shit in school done. I quit”
- Upvotes: 3,541
- Comments: 369
This seems more like lonely people being exploited and less of an “addiction”
Maybe I’m old, but how are they getting addicted? It seems like it’s chatgpt with a costume wardrobe.
Also pretty sure some have a human in the loop, since I got called a troll and a fool by the AI when I tried to find the limits of one LLM character
I got called a troll and a fool by the AI when I tried to find the limits of one LLM character
That’s probably because of the material being used as training data. There are countless of times where I chat with certain bots and while the initial conversations were colorful, it eventually devolves into generic LLM-esque repetition
Ahhh yeah makes sense