• @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    The facewear is gonna be neat for people like me who always glam glasses, sacrificing wearing any hat or hood in general.

    And the return of 30 minutes of inactivity = logout, hope the queue isn’t gonna be as long as early Endwalker.

    • @Drusenija
      39 months ago

      I’m hoping the queuing isn’t as bad this time. People forget that since Endwalker they’ve actually done some work on the queuing stuff and the disconnects during queuing (admittedly after a network engineer who played the game was able to comprehensively demonstrate there was issues in the game’s netcode causing the disconnects, but still). And they’ve added in the extra servers as well to help with the initial surge that you’d expect will happen.

      That’s not to say there won’t be queues of course but I’m not expecting it to be as bad as EW was.

  • Carighan Maconar
    29 months ago

    Quite a few unexpected things in there.

    My personal highlights:

    • Auto-advance only for voiced cutscenes.
    • Those absolutely gorgeous detail textures.
    • Favored Dye patterns
    • Whatever /autotargetpriority ends up being. It hopefully is that solution to the buggy tab-targetting.