I’ve always enjoyed watching the Hermitcraft youtube series, and its taken me through some dark time during Covid. Figured we needed a place to share it here!

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    That’s weird, I can’t access the community directly with my account from feddit.de. Is it beacuse the post is missing the links in the given format in the sidebar and the community is thus unknown to my instance of lemmy? The community also doesn’t show up when I search for it with the community search. Other lemmy.world communitys do show up however. Hermitcraft [email protected]

    • CorhenOP
      111 months ago

      odd, i tried looking for it from a couple other lemmy instances, and was able to find it.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        So I did ask on my instance and apparently I have to search for the community using the full adress (https://lemmy.world/c/hermitcraft) first. After that the community is known to the instance and it can be found in the community tab. The post in that community will also appear in on the all page.