• Flying Squid
    513 days ago

    “You are giving up already?”

    I guarantee you that person has spent more time and effort avoiding paying small bills that could have been easily paid off putting the same time and effort into a minimum wage job.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      213 days ago

      I just love that they believe this is a success.

  • @[email protected]
    82 days ago

    That last image is just pure insanity. People thinking like that are not able to care for themselves and should be placed in a care home, sorry. I see no difference between people like this and drug abusers that have gotten to the point where they can’t keep themselves alive anymore, they need professional help.

  • @BrokenGlepnir
    213 days ago

    300 is a lot, this has to have been going on for awhile. Newport news water works is usually pretty understanding about late fees. This could have been going on for months before they suggested cutting his water off.

    • Tar_Alcaran
      53 days ago

      I’m not from remotely near there, but I pay 12 euros a month for water… That would be over 2 years for me…

      • Anvil Lavigne
        22 days ago

        10e here. but it evens out because everything else is stupidly expensive! i can only barely afford food the second half of the month (:

    • @TechNerdWizard42
      -12 days ago

      I mean, yes and no. One of my houses using the bare minimum water to keep the fallow land covering green was about $2k/mo. Average in the winter closer to $100/mo for barely being there. Some places are just stupidly expensive for no reason.

      I have since sold that massive stupid house and went elsewhere. And I do not miss it any day of the week.

  • @StrongHorseWeakNeigh
    153 days ago

    I choose to believe that the commenter is a troll because that comment is hilarious

    • Drusas
      3 days ago

      In Japan, you can pay your bills at 7-11. Not all of your bills, but most of them.

        • Drusas
          11 day ago

          But can you buy delicious curry and pay your bills at the same time?

        • @Aganim
          33 days ago

          Here in the Netherlands we don’t have a 7-11 (as far as I’m aware), so anywhere else it is.