Had another base ring of haste, I was zippin’, a second ring of accuracy +3 which was completely unnecessary, and an insane amount of food during the run.

  • @ApockyOP
    18 months ago

    Late game is easy when you turn half the mobs to your side, dead or alive.

    • @MrRedstoner
      28 months ago

      Keeping yourself fed is also easier when you use up less food while exploring

      • @ApockyOP
        28 months ago

        Definitely, I got both of those haste rings pre depth 10 IIRC and I happened to loot a scale armor with swiftness soon after (which got erased from upgrade and later replaced with the affection glyph). I kept thinking this whole run, this has got to be the luckiest b**ch I’ve ever played. Picked up the rose immediately after clearing the ghost quest in an adjacent uncleared room.