Originally I made a post on r/asexuality because I noticed a lot of mean spirited posts directed at sex positive aces. Aces who aren’t repulsed by the idea of sex.

You can be ace and still have sex, All it means to be Asexual is you do not experience sexual attraction. Unless you are Aro-ace then you can still be in a relationship with somebody.

See below for the details: "Just a quick post warning, to remind you not to alienate sex favourable/neutral aces or stereotype allosexuals to the point of being unkind.

Nothing wrong with intercourse or a healthy relationship with two consenting adults. Nothing wrong with not feeling sexual attraction but still being okay with sex or pleasure.

Sex when done responsibly isn’t something that is “dirty” or “unclean” can we stop with the posts conflating sex and stds together. Spreading misconception about STDs. I’m anticipating a wave of backlash for this but can we not have an echo chamber where Sex favourable/Neutral aces feel unwelcome. TERFs didn’t become TERFs overnight. Please don’t radicalize yourselves. (Does it sound extreme? “It’s a few meme posts don’t take 'em seriously” you might say, but no. It’s a few meme posts, posted everyday.)

I’m repulsed but even I feel uncomfortable with the amount of immaturity I see being posted daily about sex. Jokes are fine, memes are fine but please make sure that it isn’t at the expense of other aces. Hate doesn’t end Hate.


Corrected Sex Positive / Sex favourable confusion. Sex Favourable, Neutral and Unfavourable/Repulsed are different to Positive/Negative."

Then created a community called “ActuallyAce” The name is hyperbolic with the intent of mocking the idea that people could be “ActuallyAce” So let this be the foundation for what this Lemmy community sits upon.

We respect all Aces and Allo’s and we raise each other without it being at the expense of those who are different.