The UFO investigators have claimed that they possess an unidentified material which has been proved to have a ‘non-human’ origin in the tests.

The sample’s tiny scraps, which were gold-tinged and lighter than a flower petal - were displayed for the first time at a conference this week in Irving, Texas.

MUFON researcher Bob Spearing informed symposium attendees that Russian researcher Arkady had approached him after testing the material using an X-Ray fluorescence gun in Russian geological labs.

The handheld tech, which has similarity to hardware on NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover, discovered that 90 per cent of the material was unidentifiable, stated Spearing.

“It’s very, very light material. It almost looks porous, like it has pores. It has a tinge of gold in it, but it’s basically a black material. Seems to be some sort of composite,” Spearing said. “It’s so light that it won’t even bend a flower,” he added.