• edric
    2 months ago

    I wish single family homes did not come with big grass lawns and backyards by default. It’s one of the reasons I was looking into a condo because I didn’t want to maintain such a useless fixture. But I had no choice because condos generally have higher interest rates, higher insurance premiums (especially ones with shared roofs), and have expensive HOAs.

    Now I only mow when I absolutely have to (almost every 3 weeks only), and irrigate only at the minimum. My lawn and backyard don’t look pristine and manicured, but I don’t care as long as it’s not overgrown and the HOA doesn’t complain. I need to save up a ton of money to possibly get parts of it xeriscaped.

  • mesamune
    22 months ago

    We have been looking at getting gravel to replace our lawn. In a place that gets over 110, having a lawn is just a burden. Im also taking a look at native species.

  • @andrewta
    2 months ago

    Keeps the dust down.

    The larger the property, the further from your neighbors so you hear less of what they are doing.

    Stops erosion.

    Mainly at this point it keeps the dust down.

    In some place it is very hot and grass helps to keep the temp from the ground down. Most people would prefer a grass lawn then a dirt patch. Given I could plant tons of flowers but that requires lots of work. I don’t have that kind of time. Also if you have kids you probably don’t want them playing in a flower garden. You wouldn’t have many flowers.

    Walking or playing in the yard is much nicer and cleaner then playing in the dirt.