Hey everyone!

So I’ve been looking around so.ul more and this seems to be the top post but it’s weird. Can anyone tell what this says?

  • @kevindqc
    7 months ago

    I’m not gonna bother to type that string myself but if you still have it you can copy paste it here: www.base64decode.org

    I tried with chatgpt but it seems it didn’t recognize the string correctly, but it starts with “For man seeks to be hidden the fool”

    • @AstridWipenaugh
      47 months ago

      Rm9ylG1hbiBzZWVrcyB0byBiZSBoaWRkZW4gdGhlIGZvb2xzIH dpbGwgZmFsbCBObyB0aGUgbGVnaW9ucyBvZiA2NiBmb3IgdG hleSB3aWxslGNvbWUgZnJvbSB0aGUgT3JpZW50IGFuZCBkZX NOcm95IGFsbCA=

      Forman seeks to be hidden the fools will fall No the legions of 66 for they willcome from the Orient and desNroy all