Baby’s first cyberpunk:

The show made a number of changes to the RoboCop universe to make it more appropriate for younger viewers, including replacing bullets with laser weapons and shifting the series to a more science fiction setting. In this series, RoboCop had a red light in the middle of his visor (which occasionally panned the whole visor). It is set in an alternate continuity where events similar to those shown in the movie happened …

Based on the original movie, the series features cyborg cop Alex Murphy (RoboCop), who fights to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and on occasion, fighting to reclaim aspects of his humanity and maintain his usefulness in the eyes of the “Old Man”, Chairman of Omni Consumer Products. Many episodes see RoboCop’s reputation put to the test or soured by interventions from Dr. McNamara, the creator of ED-260, the upgradable version of the Enforcement Droid Series 209 and the top competitor for the financial backing of OCP. He continually develops other mechanical menaces that threaten RoboCop.

Not sure how to feel about this – it’s got near-future tech, low-lifes, and corporate scheming. But the animation is 80s-era quality and the plots are generally pretty simple. It’s ok background noise and historically interesting, I guess.

  • @[email protected]
    37 months ago

    I heard of a Robocop live action tv-show (which, iirc was terrible), but never had I heard of a kids’ cartoon. …Kinda curious to know how they managed to turn the violence of the movies into kids’ show.

    The show seems to have 6/10 on imdb (, so … not all bad, just very mediocre and forgettable, I guess?

    Either way, this is getting a watch from me, at least for an episode or two. Thanks!

  • Rob T Firefly
    7 months ago

    Thanks for sharing this, it’s such a weird curiosity.

    The art and animation in this show is such an eyeball-ache, really bottom of the line stuff even for this era of cheap cartoons. And seeing cartoon Robo using a non-lethal laser pistol set on stun just makes me fondly remember when film Robo shot a dude in the penis with a bullet.