Good news!!

  • @OlapM
    28 months ago

    The best thing about flow country isn’t the natural habitat. It’s the roads. Floating on top of the bog essentially they have natural cambers that inspire fantastic attacking of corners and vistas for miles ahead leading to ample overtaking opportunities and speed. Turn up the stereo and floor it!

    Seriously though, they are a mystical place where the air, land, and sea genuinely seem to cross. You can see why the myth of the will o wisp came about here. Sadly mostly depopulated too, giving a haunted feeling as you roam from ex home to ex croft. And watch out for ticks

    • @linzid83OP
      28 months ago

      It looks amazing. Never been but it looks gorgeous! Is this the area you holiday?

    • @thegreatloofa
      18 months ago

      Please don’t speed. There’s enough road deaths up there -_-