Once upon a time, in US, there is a diner that only have vending machine (sound like Japanese)

  • @Got_Bent
    74 months ago

    I learned these existed from Mrs Maisel

    • @Fredselfish
      44 months ago

      I want to open one of these. With credit card scanners it could be done.

      • @hahattproOP
        24 months ago

        Then why people are not doing that anymore?

        I guess profit doesn’t look good.

        • @reddig33
          34 months ago

          There are a few startups trying to bring it back with modern tech. Saw a YouTube video about one of them.

          • @hahattproOP
            14 months ago

            Until capitalism degraded into something like “it is cheaper to hire part time worker to do the job manually than to buy the machine that automate work”

            In some developing country, vending machine is still rare. Guess what ? A clerk sell stuff directly to customers on street have better profit margins than investing and maintaining a vending machine.

  • @ChicoSuave
    34 months ago

    Automats work in other parts of the world. The Netherlands has my favorite FEBO.