James Corbett talks about the Rothschilds and their connection with the federal reserve. Interesting thoughts about the fed, it’s creation and how it works today.

I’d be interested to hear what you guys think of the fed.

  • @timeisart
    12 years ago

    If anyone’s to blame it’s Woodrow Wilson, bastard doomed us all by setting this monster loose. Our last real president JFK died because he dared to defy the fed and make his own currency (executive order 11110), been nothing but puppets since. I wish I could say there was a way out other than hoping the beast eats itself so we can start all over, but I’m sure they’ve got plans to profit off a potential collapse and position themselves in front for whatever’s next in their bullshit great reset. Like yeah we do need a great reset, but on our terms

    • @Concept1037OP
      22 years ago

      Corbett comments in the video that the story that JFK wanted to make his own currency is a myth (his opinion), but I don’t know. The fact is that it doesn’t really matter, what matters is how we change or react to what the Fed is now. This isn’t just for the US, but also central banks everywhere.

      I recently heard a podcast episode on Geopolitics & Empire, great podcast btw, and they were talking about how the central banks themselves are getting so bold as to actually de-bank people, essentially excluding them from society. So, if you have the wrong opinion, like Nigel Farage, then you don’t get to have a bank account and can’t transact in our society.

      There are people cheering the de-banking of Farage and the Canadian truckers saying: “they deserve it, they are fascists.” Well, one day their own opinion, or their lack of keeping up with their social credit score / carbon tax, will be their reason for being de-banked.

      The point is that we need to think solutions to these local and global problems. I agree, we need a reset, but on our own terms. The globalists want to centralize everything, the answer could then be more local decentralization. I think they won’t succeed, hyper centralized structures don’t work in real life, a one world currency won’t work as there is no one size fits all. How would one type of economy that works in the EU or US, work in the poorest regions of Africa? I doesn’t make sense.

      • @timeisart
        32 years ago

        cool thanks for the correction on JFK, I hadn’t watched Corbett’s video in your link at the time of posting but now I have. I’ve come across Corbett before but there’s a wealth of knowledge there I still need to absorb, gonna watch his Century of Enslavement documentary next.

        Re: de-banking, this reminds me of the old conspiracy cliche of implanted microchips (the so called “Mark of the Beast”) where all your financial transactions have to pass through the implant and if you get out of line they just deactivate the chip so you can’t buy anything. Turns out they don’t actually need to put an implant in you to exclude you from buying what you need to survive.

        “Well, one day their own opinion, or their lack of keeping up with their social credit score / carbon tax, will be their reason for being de-banked.”

        Good point here. A comment that came up in the Data Privacy thread here on Lemmy recently hits on a similar idea. Cheering on censorship or more government power is all fine and dandy until one day you hold an opposing viewpoint to the power structure then you’ll wish you hadn’t supported these mafia thugs.

        Re: solutions, our ability to create an entirely new world definitely exists and is actually capable of being implemented, but not with the bullies still in power. Any attempt to implement meaningful change will be met with force by those who have a monopoly on the use of said force. Does it have to come down to fighting fire with fire though? Or can enough people eventually wake up and just choose to walk away from the system that it crumbles without firing a shot?