[Chuck] Norris plays karate champion Matt Logan, who is hired to assist an anti-narcotics police unit, who are being targeted by a killer.

OK, Chuck Norris is a far-right extremist. But this movie is from early in his career and it has a couple interesting things.

First, it was made during a time when karate and Asian martial arts in general were still being introduced to the US. This was way before MMA, and not too long after Bruce Lee’s movies, and karate is depicted as a mix of “mysterious fighting arts”, in-a-ring kickboxing, and after-school activity for kids.

Second, it has some interesting costars: Ron O’Neal who starred in the 1972 blaxploitation movie Super Fly (and who later had a memorable supporting role in the 1984 movie Red Dawn) among others. And Bill “Superfoot” Wallace, an early star of American kickboxing.

So it’s not bad as a “background noise” kind of movie.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvR7j69knwE the link from above. GLITCHES: this movie pauses for a second or two, like 4-5 times at the start of the movie every 15 minutes or so, but it quits doing that after a while.