
Our state department spokesperson literally said I can’t determine if it’s a war crime for soldiers to rape, kill and torture because “I’m not a legal expert.” He should be shunned everywhere he goes.

@AssalRad StateSpox refuses to say Israeli soldiers raping detainee is a war crime

@SMArikat: Rape, killing, torture happens regularly in Israeli detention camps, does that constitute a war crime?

Patel: Reports are deeply concerning

Said: It’s a war crime

Patel: I’m not a legal expert

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1818343750130974722/vid/avc1/832x434/wnsVTIdarYUNkwdP.mp4

Source: https://x.com/kthalps/status/1818418814855303224