The College Board released a letter Thursday putting its foot down on further demands from Florida to change any of its Advanced Placement (AP) classes, the latest development in the ongoing feud b…

  • Col3814444OP
    101 year ago

    Blatantly unconstitutional laws aren’t worth the paper they are written on. Let the state try and enforce their bullshit.

    • Brianala
      81 year ago

      Unfortunately they don’t care if they can actually enforce it. They’ve done what they wanted in sending the message to their base and they get to funnel taxpayer dollars to their lawyer buddies defending it in court so it’s still a win to them.

      Meanwhile the rest of us become worn out trying to fight back against the onslaught of legislation based in bigotry and hatred and wind up getting worn down or moving out of state. It’s all a net benefit for an authoritarian fascist regime. It doesn’t matter if the laws actually stand. They’ve accomplished their goal.

      • Jaysyn
        11 year ago

        The goal of DeSantis’ approval rating falling thru the floor? I somehow doubt that was the plan.

    • roofuskit
      21 year ago

      What is or isn’t constitutional has changed a lot since the GOP spent 8 years blocking Obama’s court nominations and 4 years rubber stamping Trumps, and by Trump I mean the federalist society.

  • NotTheOnlyGamer
    41 year ago

    Okay, so what? If they actually wanted to take a stand, they could just stop running AP programs and tests in Florida schools. If they’re not, they’re just saber-rattling and seeing if DeSantis will pull the trigger and kick them out.

    • xmetal
      61 year ago

      That would ultimately hurt the children though, as they would suddenly not be able to take AP courses and therefore would fall behind competitively when compared to peers. It’s not the kids fault they live here, so other solutions need to be found.

  • roofuskit
    31 year ago

    I’m sure Florida’s solution will be to exclude all of its students from participation in AP exams.