
The NIH is run by corporate criminals just like the rest of the government . You don’t live in a Democracy, you live in a straight up Oligarchy, and here’s more proof right in your fucking face:


  1. The NIH is a rogue agency that lies to Congress and is not accountable to the public.

NIH Email Reveals Plan to Fool Congress With Response “That Doesn’t Actually Answer the Questions”

Francis Collins: “Sounds like a good plan.”

[Image, description above]

  1. Email shows Leg Affairs Adrienne Hallett explains how NIH will not answer questions from Congress and then “run out the clock”

Francis Collins: “Sounds like a good plan.”

On the email is current NIH Director Lawrence Tabak.

Screenshot of email:

  1. “Thanks so much Adrienne!” replied Michael Lauer, the NIH’s deputy director of extramural research. “I’ll draft something today.”

Screenshot of reply to email:

  1. Hallet joined Cambrian Bio last year.

NIH Director Lawrence Tabak said in a statement announcing Hallet’s departure: “I want to thank Adrienne for her dedication to cultivating NIH’s relationship with Congress over the past several years.”

Screenshot, Statement about Andrienne A. Hallett departure made by Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D.:

  1. Read more at @DisInfoChron and please subscribe!


Source: https://x.com/jimmy_dore/status/1819234843093618979