That’s ridiculous. Guy gets separation pay in 1996. Goes on disability in 2012. Then in 2023 they’re like, yea, we need that money from 1996 back so you can get disability. Who the fucking hell would ever expect that? That’s on whoever approved it and they should eat the fucking loss.
It’d have been dumb if he was denied disability in 2012 too. Otherwise, who would ever take separation money if it meant they’d never be able to claim disability without paying it back.
There’s nothing more frustrating than a GS-12 whose just following rules.
On god
I don’t understand how the paperwork can both be so bad and so good. Maybe the department of war (oops, I mean defense) should oversee veterans affairs. But then again, maybe not.
The real problem is the people in those jobs were trained in with mentality of if you were smart as me you’d have my job. But since you don’t have my job, I’m smarter than you. Therefore anything that I say is good. Anything that I do is good. Any rules that I create no one could’ve done a better job. Any system that I create is golden. If you can’t understand that, then you must not be very smart and therefore you shouldn’t have my job.
That is the essence of how they are trained. From the top level to the bottom level people.
It won’t be all that hard for somebody who’s actually pushing the papers to look at the rules, understand the rules, and figure out a way around the problem. Where there is a will there is a way. Just get creative.
For those few instances where literally the employee would have zero ability to do anything other than follow exact rule that is there. In those few instances, I blame the bosses for again and being stupid as hell. Because somebody in the chain of command has the ability to override. Somebody in the chain of command has the ability to use common sense. But again it’s how they are trained of, if I created it it’s golden.
I see this in way too many walks to life. People who refuse to use simple common sense.
To change this is going to take a concerted effort on society as a whole. But I guarantee you not enough people will stand up and actually say anything. Not enough people will look at a situation and say that isn’t right. The problem is I literally hear people saying well they joined the military. They were stupid, so therefore it’s their problem.
We are too happy to open a door for a vet or stand and applaud the vets, but how many people have actually called their senator or representative saying fix this freaking problem.? When politicians come to the door knocking saying, please vote for me how many of you have stepped out on your doorstep and said hey this is the issue that matters and if you don’t fix the damn problem come next election I won’t vote for you.?
If you have done that good for you if you haven’t congratulations you’re part of the problem.
Disability rules are extremely obtuse and unclear to both social security workers and people who need the benefits. See also: this npr story about similar bs.. Fiscal conservatives seem to think that if they make these programs punitive and stressful enough then the people who rely on them will simply stop being disabled (or stop existing).
There’s because they assume these people are faking it. Because that’s what they would do because, they’re just a shitty person.
As a depressed person applying, I haven’t even gotten a response for my file and I know I’ll be denied because I’ve never met someone approved the first time.
I gave up my first three attempts at filing alone, because a lack of executive drive & a pessimistic mindset make me prefer your option B. It makes me feel obligated to go back to pretending I’m okay, disregarding my burnout - or stop existing. I mean existentially it can’t get much worse than the hells I’ve seen humans inflict on one another.
I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s intentionally demoralizing and so fucking unnecessarily cruel. Please hang in there, I truly hope you can get approved soon.
I have no love for the military, but the people in charge will get up our asses about how we have to support our troops and then they’ll stab them in the back. That’s the country we live in.
“Support the troops” in this context is code for “Let us give unlimited tax money to weapons contractors”.
Hm wonder why they’re having so much trouble recruiting? 🤔
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