• @jordanlund
    2 months ago

    I’d add in Oppositional Defiant Disorder:


    Angry and irritable mood
    Often and easily loses temper.
    Is frequently touchy and easily annoyed by others.
    Is often angry and resentful.

    Argumentative and defiant behavior
    Often argues with adults or people in authority.
    Often actively defies or refuses to follow adults’ requests or rules.
    Often annoys or upsets people on purpose.
    Often blames others for their own mistakes or misbehavior.

    Hurtful and revengeful behavior
    Says mean and hateful things when upset.
    Tries to hurt the feelings of others and seeks revenge, also called being vindictive.
    Has shown vindictive behavior at least twice in the past six months.


    ODD can be mild, moderate or severe:

    Mild. Symptoms occur only in one setting, such as only at home, school, work or with peers.

    Moderate. Some symptoms occur in at least two settings.

    Severe. Some symptoms occur in three or more settings.

    • @kofe
      51 month ago

      ODD is strictly applied for minors. Untreated, it can lead to NPD, ASPD, and other comorbidities that we apply to adults, though, for sure

        • @kofe
          31 month ago

          Well, yeah, if it was present in childhood and goes untreated clinically, the symptoms may continue into adulthood, but we typically would look to further/differential diagnoses after that. I’m about to head to sleep but I can look up some more academic sources on the topic tomorrow

  • @RestrictedAccount
    151 month ago

    I’m putting copy of this comment at the top because it seems not to be obvious to everyone

    Trump did his damnest to fire the Attorney General but he had not purged the Justice Department of people with integrity who would overturn the election.

    Project 2025 is already recruiting henchmen to fill the departments.

    His Schedule F changes are explicitly designed to enable this.

    He is not joking when he says that he is going to seek revenge on his enemies.

    There will be no democracy if he is elected. This is not a drill.

  • @[email protected]
    142 months ago

    Now this is a cause I can get behind.

    And it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) stop with Trump. He’s the most brazen psychopath in American politics at the moment (and potentially ever), and he’s clearly the most significant current threat, but he’s far from the only one.

    And I would say that our future very obviously depends on not only keeping him, but all of them, out of office.

  • P03 Locke
    42 months ago

    Is George Conway really a conservative? I thought his wife was the conservative.

    • @RestrictedAccount
      1 month ago

      He is definitely conservative. But he understands that we will not ever get to vote again if Trump gets reelelected.

      Trump is not a conservative.

      Edit: it is his ex wife

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        American Conservatives should be conserving, you know, liberalism. The ideology America basically founded.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        But he understands that we will not ever get to vote again if Trump gets reelelected.

        Are you basing this on that recurring joke Trump keeps making at his Christian rallies about “never having to vote again after this election”? It’s pretty obvious he is saying that because he is trying to mobilise as many Christian voters as possible, not because he has some grand plan to become a lifelong dictator. Earlier versions of the joke were less scripted and based off this idiotic misconception Trump has that Christians don’t vote (they are actually overrepresented when compared to their percentage of the electorate).

        He will try to rig the country as much as possible during his second term to favour his businesses and then disappear completely. He doesn’t give a fuck about Republicans, Republican voters, or running the country. This is all just about personal greed and hubris (he needs another win to counteract the 2020 loss). Democrats and Never Trumpers are running a scare campaign about “the end of democracy” because they know it will mobilise their base, but don’t mistake all this hysteria for genuine evidence that 2024 could be the final election in US history.

        EDIT: Here’s a recent article discussing this topic written by Dr David Smith from the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. As he alludes to, Republicans are actually the ones who should be concerned about Trump’s “you’ll never have to vote again” comments, as the original version of the joke makes clear when Trump says the quiet bit out loud:

        They go to church every Sunday, but they don’t vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote. Okay? In four years, don’t vote. I don’t care.

        • @[email protected]
          61 month ago

          Did he or did he not say he would be a ‘dictator on day one’? How do you allow those 2 things to exist in open space without making at least some connection to them? Do all the mental gymnastics you want, seems pretty brazen.

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            The connection is that Trump often makes controversial jokes during his extremely long, unscripted and deranged addresses because he is an idiot who thinks he is a genius. Like the “never vote again” quote, the “dictator on day one” quote has been pushed relentessly by the Democrats and Never Trumpers to create fear around a potential second Trump presidency and mobilise an opposing voter base, but if you actually watch that clip in context it is extremely obvious that Trump came up with it on the fly and thought he was very clever and funny for doing so. It’s not part of some master conspiracy (which he just conveniently happened to reveal in a nice little sound bite for his opponents to attack him with) to get into office and set up some kind of permanent succession thing where Republicans control the country for the rest of time. The guy does not care enough about anyone other than himself to actually have a plan like that.

            • @btaf45OP
              11 month ago

              He won’t put Republicans in control he will put his family in control like in North Korea. He is afraid if he steps down he will go to jail, and also wants to keep power to keep making money and keep getting his narcissism fix.

              Like the “never vote again” quote, the “dictator on day one” quote has been pushed relentessly by the Democrats

              Dude we don’t even need that at all. Trump’s disloyalty to American democracy became crystal clear after the 2020 elections. He literally spent every single day from election day to January 6 plotting to overturn democracy, going from one scheme to the next until the final act was an outright coup attempt in a mob attack on our capital. That proves he is extremely disloyal to America and our core values and is a power mad neofascist.

              Trump is not even supposed to be allowed to run because the 14th amendment says Trump is now disqualified to be president. In Venezuela they made the mistake of allowing Chavez to run for president after he made a failed coup attempt. Chavez completely enshitified the country with a ‘project 2025’ type plan in which competent people in government were replace with incompetent loyalists. That was decades ago and since then millions of people have fled the country and those that remain behind have become impoverished. Venezuela used to be the most successful democracy in South America, but there haven’t been any free and fair elections since Chavez.

              • @[email protected]
                01 month ago

                This isn’t about whether Trump is “disloyal to democracy”, or whether he’ll attempt to “steal” an election like he did in 2020. It’s about whether there will be another election in 2028 if he wins in 2024. It’s really important to distinguish between things Trump does because of his fragile ego (not being able to handle losing, surrounding himself with yes men, propagating a myth that he is the greatest) and things he does because he has a master plan outside of his own hubris. There is a lot of evidence for the former, but very little for the latter. Everyone knows he has a massive personality disorder stemming from his relationship with his father which makes him incapable of handling defeat. Stepping down after winning two terms is not defeat, there is no reason for him to fight it.

                • @btaf45OP
                  11 month ago

                  It’s about whether there will be another election in 2028 if he wins in 2024.

                  No it is not. It’s about whether there will be another FREE AND FAIR election in 2028 if he wins in 2024. Venezuela just had an election. Chavez successor claimed victory but in reality he only got about 1/3 of the vote. The have been many elections but no free and fair elections since Hugo Chavez won in 1999 after he was allowed to run in spite of his failed coup attempt.

                  Stepping down after winning two terms is not defeat, there is no reason for him to fight it.

                  At a minimum he needs to make absolutely sure nobody can put him him prison for his crimes. He will turn the temperature up for 4 years so see if he can get away with an “emergency” to stay in power. If he can’t pull that off then at the absolute minimum he will rig the 2028 election so that either a family member or a loyalist comes after him to protect him from going to jail for his many crimes.

                  It’s not like we don’t know have tons of historical examples from all over the world of one man coming to power and then rigging all future elections.

        • @RestrictedAccount
          31 month ago

          He did his damnest to fire the Attorney General but he had not purged the Justice Department of people with integrity who would overturn the election.

          Project 2025 is already recruiting henchmen to fill the departments.

          His Schedule F changes are explicitly designed to enable this.

          He is not joking when he says that he is going to seek revenge on his enemies.

          There will be no democracy if he is elected. This is not a drill.

        • @btaf45OP
          11 month ago

          WTF? Nobody who put the energy Treason Trump did into overturning democratic elections results in 2020 can possibly be loyal to America and our democratic values. How would anybody have the slightest doubts about Trump’s disloyalty at all after that? He literally spent every single day from election day to January 6 plotting to overturn democracy, going from one scheme to the next until the final act was an outright coup attempt in a mob attack on our capital. That proves he is extremely disloyal to America and our core values and is a power mad neofascist. Nobody who wants power that much should ever be near any power.

          Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump’s Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.


          …audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

          Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

          STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

          He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.