• Aielman15
    737 months ago

    I did the same thing. And then I took it to the next level and taught my entire party elven expletives so that they could join me in insulting the leaf-suckers. Fuck you. You are not better than me just because your farts smell of wet moss.

    My character is also deep into the conspiracy theory that elves marry humans only because they are after their inheritance. Think about it, guys: an elf lives for hundreds of years. A human marriage will last about 50-75 years on average. Those bush-wearers could marry half a dozen humans in their lifetime and live the rest of their existence comfortably rich with the accumulated riches and possessions from all those marriages.

    Wake up, sheeple!

  • cobysev
    567 months ago

    Years ago, when I learned that World of Warcraft allowed you to either speak in common tongue or your character’s native racial tongue, I would park my night elf in capital cities and shout in Darnassian about how night elves are superior to all other races. Got a lot of LOLs from other night elves.

    There was one low-level night elf who popped up once to rant back in Darnassian about how dwarves were the superior race. Guess someone made a new character to see what all the shouting was about and got offended. We had a pretty fun debate over the characteristics of both races, and it came down to personal preference by the end.

    I miss old WoW.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      297 months ago

      I remember doing something similar with gnomes!

      Once I was high level enough to solo it, I would offer to run groups of low-level gnomes through Deadmines. But only gnomes. The reactions were priceless.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    527 months ago

    Ah you think racism is your ally? You merely took levels in racism. Elves were born in it, molded by it. They didn’t see stop using slurs until the Third Age, by then it was nothing to them but Woke!

    • (⬤ᴥ⬤)
      287 months ago

      the elfs have slurs for things that man has no normal words for

    • FenrirIII
      47 months ago

      My human monk got in a lot of hot water for throat chopping elves. She believed very strongly in having good manners.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Drow all the way.

        Real talk though, in one campaign I did, I made a dragonborn barbarian that could only speak draconic. It pissed my friends off so much, but it was hilarious to me

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          My friend and I had a dynamic like that in a campaign. He was playing a dwarf barbarian who only spoke dwarven and I was playing a dwarf witch. When his barbarian would mouth off in dwarven about the party, my character would “translate” to something like, “He wishes you all good luck.”

  • @AdolfSchmitler
    97 months ago

    It’s like when Kobe learned French so he could trash talk Tony Parker lol