The parts that aren’t free are kind of shiny and up close there are little black flecks like mold.


  • @Donnywholovedbowling
    31 month ago

    Do you give it nutrients? Might be burned from too much fertilizer. Had that happen to some tomato plants

    • @venusaurOP
      11 month ago

      I just did actually. I repotted and gave it some plant food. Might have been too much. Does the shininess and black specks sound like nutrient burn too?

  • @sramder
    31 month ago

    See if there’s anything on the bottom of one of those chewed up leaves. Looks like something is eating it to me… excess sun would just cause it to wilt and shrivel up, would be hitting the whole plant too.

    • @venusaurOP
      1 month ago

      Thanks. I thought that too but haven’t seen anything. I’ll take another look. The plant only gets hit by sun on one side and I turn is every other day or so.

      I noticed the dying parts of the leaf are kind of shiny and have black specks all over almost like mold.

      • @trolololol
        21 month ago

        Could it be bug poo?

        I always suspected these marks are bugs eating a single layer of the leaf, but never saw it happening. They come many days after the leaf gets eaten.

        • @venusaurOP
          11 month ago

          Yeah I think it’s thrips. I pruned the plant and sprayed it down. Hopefully it works.