• @WhyDoYouPersist
    97 months ago

    “Over my cold, dead body.” -people who are obsessed with factory farming

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      Ironically, that’s not so far in the future.

      Meat being a sign of wealth and manliness must be one of the deadliest parts of toxic masculinity. Millions of people die prematurely every year, and that doesn’t even include the indirect deaths due to famines or malnutrition.

  • @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    Yeah, but why though?

    “The extreme industrialization of both the poultry and pork industries — with their use of densely packed, genetically uniform, and immunocompromised animals — is a perfect Petri dish for cultivating the next plague.”

    That part was nowhere near the top of the article.

  • @[email protected]
    07 months ago

    I mean yes…you can also say that about crop-diversity (or lack there of). I am not sure ultimately how you can feed the world without something like this currently. Because I think there are many people who will not stop eating meat. But there’s also a lot of people who love processed foods. And a lot of processed foods that already are only a quadrant of meat. So I don’t think the issues people have are so much with lab-grown meat but perhaps the stigma of it’s unnatural state without realizing that a lot of their food isn’t just straight “chicken” or something. There’s also a CRAZY amount of food waste in America. I know because I used to live off of “expired” foods. But also you know, working in/with foods will show you that too. I think we might need to shift our expectations from always having x-thing available and always having packed shelves to something less wasteful. But I am not sure because I think if you make things less available people start hoarding like little rats.

    So…I don’t have the answers but I do know that ditching factory farming is probably not going to happen any time soon and will continue to be a large scale issue unless you can find a way to sway the people. And it’s hard big picture for people to even comprehend the connection between farming and global warming. Let alone farming and pandemics. So…eh!?

    • @jeffwOP
      7 months ago

      You’re combining a conspiracy theory with a real possibility. I guess that’s what conspiracy theorists do though: distort facts for their advantage.

      It’s possible that a Wuhan lab that was studying coronaviruses had an accident.

      We know with almost perfect certainty that COVID was not a manufactured virus/bioweapon/etc.