[Reposting because it failed to federate again]

Picked this up for £11 from Aliexpress and I reckon it’s one of the best FPs I own. Great for quick note taking.

Sure, it’s a shameless clone of a pilot capless, but I’m never going to spend that kind of money.

Note also: only comes in <EF>. Writes like an <F> if you ask me.

Considering buying a few more to gift to friends.

  • kwoth
    37 months ago

    Writes as a? And how does it write on different kinds of paper? Like Leuchturm VS copier paper?

    Does this on come in fine too?

    • @hinterlufer
      37 months ago

      I’d say it writes like an western EF / japanese F. Similar to my 3776 SF (without the soft nib of course).

      I like mine very much. Smooth, reliable, does not dry out, works on most copy paper as well. It’s also completely made out of metal and feels very well built. The only downside is the converter - it’s a CON-40 style one and it’s common knowledge that those kinda suck. And that taking the feed apart for cleaning is essentially not possible.

    • @ericjmoreyM
      37 months ago

      Looks like it only comes in extra fine.

  • @[email protected]
    37 months ago

    I love this pen! It writes extremely smooth and feels good in the hand. I found it when I looked for an EDC-capable pen, because I was annoyed by screw-on caps when I wanted to quickly take a note. And with other caps that only click in place I was always afraid of them falling of in my pocket or bag and making a huge mess. This is as easy and convenient to use as a ball point pen combined with nice writing experience of a fountain pen.

  • @ericjmoreyM
    17 months ago

    The gift idea sounds great!