• @Chespirito
    1617 months ago

    Sadly the maga ones are incapable of self reflection. They’ll just say that the “fake news” is lying about him because the democrats control the media and every other facet of their lives

    • @Fedizen
      467 months ago

      stepping on a rake and yelling “The democrats did this!” as it hits me in the face

      • @tlou3please
        217 months ago

        The only thing that stops a bad guy with a rake is a good guy with a rake

        • @SPRUNT
          27 months ago

          More propaganda from the NRA (National Rake Association).

    • @Fosheze
      187 months ago

      I just had one of my coworkers earlier today tell me that Tim Walz legalized abortion in MN up to 1 day after birth. We live in MN. These people are so fucking brainwashed that they’ve lost all touch of reality.

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        John Stewart called it out a million years ago when he said Republicans choose to live on Bullshit Mountain.

        • @[email protected]
          47 months ago

          I’ve learned from my dogs and ducks that the dangerous thing about living so close to so much shit is that after awhile you get used to the smell.

          • @Jivebunny
            7 months ago

            And like a dog start eating it? Holy shit I like that saying about dogs and ducks hahah.

            Edit: wait …

    • @[email protected]
      157 months ago

      This is very apparent if you go on a YouTube news comment section. It’s basically all salty conservatives lmao. They’re in panic mode

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      What’s with this defeatist shit?

      It’s not impossible to show people they’re in the wrong. Often, I’d argue even for most, it’s just a matter of time and the individual being exposed to direct consequences.

      • @Chespirito
        387 months ago

        I’m a little confused by your reply? I’m not saying all republicans are bad, I’m strictly talking about maga republicans. They refuse to acknowledge facts and label them as fake news the minute it conflicts with their world view. I’ve tried having discussions with maga on Reddit and it would always dissolve into “that’s fake news! They’re trying to paint Trump in a bad light!”. The last one I talked to was u/illidari_extremist (he’s also a raging racist who blames black people for his life) and when I presented him with video evidence of Trump saying he would date a 10 year old in 10 years he ended up calling it a fake video and blocked me.

        You can try to talk to them but I’m done. I’d rather put my time and effort into talking with people who are not in a cult or have a cult mentality.

        • @meco03211
          167 months ago

          I’ll sometimes still engage that kind of idiot. It’s not about convincing them they are wrong, but having the contradictory evidence directly alongside their crazy claims. Someone else that’s been living under a rock for the past… decade (fucking hell) might not be sucked in by the crazy.

          • @Cryophilia
            57 months ago

            Remember, the vast majority of Americans have NO POLITICAL PREFERENCE. There is a nearly infinite market of people to be convinced for one side or the other.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            You don’t even have to have been living under a rock, people are born all the time and people develop at different rates which means there are constantly people at different stages of mental growth and constantly people learning things for the first time. Everybody had to learn the things that they know but a lot of people seem to forget that just because they have learned something, it doesn’t mean everyone else has.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          And you know, it’s valid if you wanna switch course.

          I think it’s alright to take breaks but that ideology of “I give up with these people” can be addictive for some and I just wanted to make the contrary view available for people to see too.

          Education is ultimately key. You can use their tactics against them too sometimes. Don’t forget maga morons do botnets and stuff too. There’s lots of ways to combat the fascist!

      • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
        147 months ago

        One thing to remember is a lot of these people would need literal cult deprogramming, which while possible, is not likely in their cases because… who’s going to do it? Why would they bother to sit through it?

        This would be ‘intervention’ levels of requirement, so there are some people who are, for all practical purposes, out of reach.

        • @[email protected]
          87 months ago

          I totally agree. I don’t think adults should be without education programs if I’m being honest. Businesses usually prefer cert programs which require continuing education to prove historical and continual knowledge, why not do this with adults? I think the media could easily do this if they were somehow incentivized to broadcast more educational material in a relatable way to adults.

          Knowledge it power, why are we stopping/hindering adults from continually growing? I see 4 day work weeks work so well elsewhere - that’s another thing. Idk man, the planets burning too… we have so many problems facing us ahead I just wanna make sure I can do what I can

          • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
            57 months ago

            Knowledge it power, why are we stopping/hindering adults from continually growing?

            Often it’s intentional. The Republican party in the US is notorious for this, the insistence they keep their constituents ignorant (and let’s be clear, there are far more people who are ignorant than stupid in this situation.)

            Here in Canada there’s a very strong ‘anti-science’ theme coming from the Right that has caught on. Often Conservative voters, when asked about policy, completely agree with, say the NDP or Liberal platform, but not when they hear the party name.

            It’s been shown time and again that people who vote conservatively are more easily swayed with fake news/obfuscation/Russian garbage, so as a society we have to be extra vigilant of it.

      • @RadicalEagle
        7 months ago

        It’s different for everyone, but some people will only admit they’re wrong to compassionate people.

        People will fight their enemies, but they’re willing to let their guard down among friends.

        I think that’s one of the reasons why MLK Jr got killed. His enemies didn’t know how to fight him or his beliefs. He forced people to view each other as humans and that’s a tough pill to swallow for people who don’t have a capacity to give or ask for forgiveness.

        • @[email protected]
          67 months ago

          I don’t think we have to tolerate those people though either.

          It’s called the paradox of intolerance and was pretty simply solved:

          Tolerance is a contract. If someone isn’t participating, you do not have to participate with them.

          In fact, I think that being tolerant to the intolerant is akin to being complicit. Who would want to tolerate people who are disrespecting your established cultural norms of freedom and tolerance??

          Disrespectful + anti American + dated + impedes progress

    • @NegativeInf
      577 months ago

      Honestly, the official merch hat of Harris Walz kinda speaks infinite volumes.

      • @meco03211
        377 months ago

        I want a shirt that says “Putting the ope in hope.”

      • JoJo
        87 months ago

        I might not be getting it, but why does a theme of trees/nature specifically counter the MAGA hat like that?

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I was born in the Midwest and I’ve lived in a few different places around the country, mostly variations on the south. But I’m also a progressive that has lived amongst redhats a lot. I think one of the most disarming things to say to them is some polite version of “mind your own business.”

            Pretty much everyone will agree they don’t want the government butting into their personal lives and framing things in that way is a good way to find common ground.

        • @NegativeInf
          7 months ago

          Because the right has co-opted the camo look as well as hunting. Tim Walz is was literally the best shot in congress.

          Edit: clarity for past and present so people don’t misunderstand

            • @NegativeInf
              7 months ago

              Who was in Congress when the shooting contest I’m talking about happened.

              What’s wrong with you? Do you think he just fell out of the coconut tree? He exists in the context of all that came before his current position.

              • @[email protected]
                -287 months ago

                Nothing’s wrong with me, your statement implied currently. He is not currently in congress and that contest took place in 2015. Use clearer language if you don’t want people to correct you.

                • @NegativeInf
                  147 months ago

                  He still is the best shot in congress. Even if he isn’t current in Congress, he can still presently be the current best shot of any current or former Congress person.

                  Pedantry sure is fun.

  • @barsquid
    347 months ago


    • @BonesOfTheMoon
      67 months ago

      What a groomer, amirite? Encouraging girls to become women and shit.

      /S in case it’s not clear.

      • @ikidd
        7 months ago

        I’m not even sure where the encouragement part comes from. Women start to bleed at puberty, it’s pretty much non-optional. How fucking weird does one have to be to purposefully ignore this? It’s like not wanting to put toilet paper in the shitter.

        • @BonesOfTheMoon
          17 months ago

          I caught an obvious Russian troll trying to say he supports abortion at 9 months today on Facebook.

            • @BonesOfTheMoon
              27 months ago

              I support abortion like I invented it, and if an 11-year-old incest victim needed an abortion at 37 weeks I’d go to the hospital with her and hold her hand.

  • @UnderpantsWeevil
    7 months ago

    20 years ago, Republicans would go into a back room and spend six weeks cooking up the most cynical, mendacious, bigoted dogwhistles yet conceived by man, then strategically leak shit to the press via their online fronts and far-right propaganda outlets. They’d build a rumor mill around the claim Kerry faked his purple heart or leak doctored files to end Dan Rather’s career. They’d spread a bunch of FUD about The Next 9/11 being a brief case dirty bomb carried into the US across the border as part of a drug deal. And they’d whip up hysteria in every church south of the Mason Dixon line about gay liberals trying to force churches to marry them.

    Now Walz gets on the ticket and six Groypers just start spamming Twitter with “He’s probably a pedophile!” and “Look at this obvious AI generated image of Jeffery Epstein”, then call it a day.

    The GOP has fallen so far.

  • @DrownedRats
    157 months ago

    They’re not trying to convince the general public, they’re trying to convince themselves, and that’s a significantly easier goal.

    97 months ago

    I’m not sure David Mitchell appreciates this use of his visage.

  • @shimdidly
    -977 months ago

    MAGA here. At least we didn’t have to pretend for 4 years that Biden was Sharp As A Tack™. Then, as if right on cue, pretend Kamala wasn’t the most unpopular candidate in your own primary.

    But go ahead, keep huffing your own farts.

    • @[email protected]
      237 months ago

      I agree with you that the strength of Harris campaign surprised everyone, and that a lot of Democrats though she didn’t stand a chance. This just shows that sometimes, people can be wrong; the big difference between Democrats and Republicans though is that Republicans must never show or admit they are.

    • catsarebadpeople
      187 months ago

      Straw manning so f-ing hard. Just in case anyone didn’t realize this guy is just coping really hard, here is what actually happened. Dems elected Biden because we unfortunately need a centrist to appeal to swing voters. He then enacted lots of progressive policies and had an incredibly successful 4 year term. Then everyone was very surprised that he planned to run again because it was heavily implied that he wouldn’t. When Dems realized he really is too old to be running, lots of pressure was applied and he passed the torch. While Kamala wasn’t mine or, I’d guess, many of the folks here’s first choice we once again need a centrist to appeal to swing voters. Tim Walz is a really nice VP pick for us though as he’s definitely more progressive. I’m so pleasantly surprised that she didn’t pick Beshear “cuz Israel” and I think it’s a really good sign. That’s why her campaign is going well. Because she’s surprising.

      Basically nothing this OP said is true or genuine and Dems are the only ones willing to shake anything up or admit that things need to change. So literally the opposite of what the idiot I’m responding to is purporting in bad faith.

      Who exactly is huffing farts again? The party willing to pivot or the one still voting for a geriatric wannabe dictator?

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      I don’t affiliate directly with either party because parasocial relationships are fucking weird, but like dude, that party is absolutely teetering towards the bad guys in the middle East we tore down in the 90s/00s… Theocracies are bad news buddy.

    • @[email protected]
      97 months ago

      You’re right, you had a way bigger illusion to maintain, requiring all the co-rubes money, to create holodeck levels of fidelity for you BULLSHIT SIMULATOR.

      Nothing MAGA has done has made anything great, your movement will be derided in history as an embarassing footnote, and you will live to feel the consequences of your own special stupidity.

      I’m fucking here for it 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

    • jackeryjoo
      7 months ago

      Sure, go ahead and “whataboutism” for the mental decline of an octogenarian that we were ALL calling out as an issue leading up to the 2020 and also 2024 election, but we literally voted for this man, knowing full well that his mental faculties were declining, simply because “your” guy is nonstop trying to overthrow a democratic nation and turn it into a dictatorship, inciting violence, using racist slurs, rolling back protections for women that were hard fought during the civil rights era for decades, and generally being an insufferable jackass, who’s a convicted felon, rapist, and was selling secrets to foreign agents from his home after, and during his presidency, saluted a hostile foreign nation, praises Putin and other dictators constantly, has bankrupted 2 casinos (seriously, the only person to have done that anyone can recall), can’t create charities anymore because the last one he created for children ended up embezzeling the funds to the “trump org” and paid $0 to kids with cancer or research or anything, etc.

      But by all means, let’s talk about the superficial differences between the two, without acknowledging that you either willingly have supported attempted fascist overthrows of America for the last 8 years, or you’re ignorant of the world; so which one is it?

      The reason your side is losing, is because nobody likes to live in a fascist society except the people on top. Fascism never wins for long. There are far, far, far, far more of Americans against you, than with you. You can use all the lies and denials you want around illegal votes , but you know, deep down, none of that shit is really true, and it should scare you to know that you are deeply on the wrong side of history, you are not the protagonist in your own story. You are the villains, the Nazis, in this case.

      Nothing you say or do to defend that will change that fact. The only thing you can do, is better. Be a better person to your fellow man and lift people up and support the less fortunate and treat everyone with respect and equality regardless of their country of origin or skin color or religious or political beliefs.

      It’s difficult, I know. It’s not easy for anyone. But you could make the effort starting today.

    • @gmtom
      87 months ago

      And yet, she’s still up in the polls. Lol

    • @Glytch
      57 months ago

      Weird take, weirdly phrased.

    • @barsquid
      57 months ago

      A MAGA actually accused other people of huffing farts.

    • Phoenixz
      57 months ago

      Yeah, you only had (and continue) to pretend that trump wasn’t, and continuous to be a criminal, a massive fraud, a thief who even stole from charity, a rapist who loves grabbing them by the pussy and walking into little girls charging rooms, the first ex president to attempt a coup, a massive compulsive liar about literally everything, a massive narcissist, a loser who bankrupted just about every company he headed, … I could go on for a while but you get the idea, right?

      So yeah, Joe Biden who, looking back, performed pretty well, was old, and we pretended he was not that old… Yeah, you’re totally right, at least you didn’t pretend trump was old because he isn’t. Oh, wait…

    • @Alwaysnownevernotme
      57 months ago

      You had to pretend your incumbent didn’t cheat and still lose.

      Hope you remember how because you’ll need to do it again.

    • @auzy
      47 months ago

      I guess it is easy for Trump to appear sane when spouting bs and nonsense is normal. He doesn’t need to think about things because he can just lie on the spot, whereas Biden has to actually use his brain. Some of the things Trump says clearly shows he has mental issues (being able to talk succinctly doesn’t mean you’re sane)

      Also, I suspect Joe wouldn’t fall asleep during his own court case

      A lot of the claims about Biden were BS (like the photo where the right wing cut out the parachuter to make it appear he was talking to himself.

      But sure, vote for a guy who gives 2 F’s about you. An Aussie billionaire even confirmed he’s disclosing confidential information to people who aren’t permitted.

      Trump has done so much really bad stuff that everyone has forgotten about 99% of it and only a small amount gets discussed

    • @Draces
      47 months ago

      Biden is on the decline. He was fine 4 years ago and is still probably fine. Dems actually care if their candidate isn’t fit for the next term. Maybe maga should too

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      27 months ago

      At least we didn’t have to pretend for 4 years that Biden was Sharp As A Tack

      We prefer the term “Stable Genius”.