Being old, death gets my attention, so I read the obituaries. This is a collection of recent obits, mostly of people whose work touched my life, because I want to say thanks (or maybe give 'em a final fuck you).

There’ll be a roundup like this occasionally, until I’m on the list myself. ’

Billy Bean
out baseballer

Joyce Brabner
wife of Harvey Pekar

Twinkle Borge

Genesis Burgueno
forgotten person

Peter Dykstra

Simin Farkhondeh
producer, The Gulf Crisis TV Project

Edmar Goncalves
forgotten person

Leonard Hayflick
anatomist, “the Hayflick Limit”

Wayne Johnson
charity chef

Jack Karlson
meme, “This is democracy manifest”

Pavel Kushnir
pianist, hunger striker

Laurie Lindeen
rock’n’roller, Zuzu’s Petals

Mitzi McCall

Adam Scott Miller

Kenneth “Marley” Partee
forgotten person

Sean “Dragoneer” Piche
victim of American health care system

Jeremy Strong
author, My Sister’s Got a Spoon Up Her Nose

Julien Terzics

Robin Warren
stomach ulcers

Maurice Williams
rock’n’roller, “Stay”

Mary Wings
zinester, Come Out Comix

Previously dead