Hey there Data Engineers. Want to stop putting out fires and start preventing them? Then it might be time to “shift left.” By tackling quality, governance, and security from the get-go, you’ll save time, money, and headaches.

If you want to learn more, follow the paywall bypassed link to my latest article. I hope some of you find this useful!

  • @[email protected]
    222 days ago

    Thanks for sharing! I heard some people on a podcast talking about ‘shift left’ the other day and had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. This came at the exact right time for me 😁

  • @[email protected]M
    129 days ago

    Sorry this wasn’t received well. I don’t think there’s anything particularly wrong with the article , but I’m not sure it provided a lot of context around the concept and when it’s worth while and when it may not be.

    • AndyOP
      227 days ago

      Thank you for the feedback. Always good to get constructive criticism.