• @tabris
      171 month ago

      While uncommon, XY females do exist. There’s Swyer syndrome, and Androgen Insensitivity, among others. Testosterone levels will usually be within normal ranges for XX females and they don’t go through a male puberty. Should they be denied the right to participate?

      • @Shou
        121 month ago

        Top female athletes are 140x more likely to have elevated testosterone levels compared to the normal population anyway.

        • @tabris
          111 month ago

          Indeed, it’s why I get so tired of the expression “it’s basic biology” when there’s a discussion about gender purity. Biology is so bad at doing binary expressions of anything that trying to create a binary classification of gender expression fails every time. There was a fantastic video I watched of a guy trying to create an iPhone settings panel of gender expression to capture all the myriad ways that gender is expressed in humans. He borrows a phrase one of the researchers used in their research, that gender is a constellation, rather than a spectrum.


      • @[email protected]
        -121 month ago

        What percentage though? It’s a game, so the whole point is to make the playing field as even as possible. It sucks if you don’t have the qualifying DNA to compete in the women’s league and you really want to. Perhaps if there’s enough demand they could start up a new league. For those with non typical sex chromosomes.

        • @tabris
          81 month ago

          If the discussion was about making the playing field as fair as possible, Micheal Phelps would not be allowed to compete, as he is a genetic and physiological freak of nature in multiple respects. Why is the conversation always about making it fair for women at the exclusion of women?

            • @tabris
              61 month ago

              An XY female will have experienced all the oppression, all the discrimination, and all the abuse that an XX female will have experienced in their life. They may never know that they are XY. Both these groups are women, live as women, in all the many facets of life that women live in. How is my recognition of a woman being a woman bigoted?

              I’ve not even mentioned trans women in this discussion, but I will now, to say trans women are women. I’ve done this purely to see what reaction you give me from that statement, but I do honestly believe it. You can check my post history on that if you like.

              I see that you’ve not responded to any of the talking points I’ve brought up, not countered with an opposing viewpoint beyond the one I’ve already poked a hole in, you’ve just resorted to name calling. I thought we’d at least get a little further before that happened. Oh well 🤷

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      Cause its pretty hard to check around 28 trillion cells for the presence of a single xy chromosome.

      Humans are mushy by design, its essentially impossible to draw a line like this